1675046128 Death of Tire Nichols From Octavia Spencer to Justin Timberlake

Death of Tire Nichols: From Octavia Spencer to Justin Timberlake, American personalities mobilize

Octavia Spencer and Justin Timberlake - Alberto E. Rodriguez - Getty Images North America - Getty Images via AFP / Tolga Akmen - AFP

Octavia Spencer and Justin Timberlake – Alberto E. Rodriguez – Getty Images North America – Getty Images via AFP / Tolga Akmen – AFP

Many American personalities join the protesters demanding justice for Tire Nichols, who died after being beaten by five police officers.

Many American celebrities are calling for an investigation into Tire Nichols’ fatal arrest. This young, 29-year-old African American man died in hospital on January 10, three days after a roadside stop whose pictures, revealed this week, show the incredible violence used on the young man by five black police officers.

Media coverage of the case began this week when five police officers were fired, charged with murder and jailed. Four of them were later released on bail.

Video of the arrest released Friday night, showing the police breakout, shocked America. Inevitably reminiscent of the death of George Floyd in 2020, at the origin of the resurgence of the Black Lives Matter movement.

“I stand with my hometown and the people of Memphis in demanding justice,” he added.

On January 7, police wanted to arrest Tire Nichols for a traffic violation, AFP reported. As officers approached, a “confrontation” ensued and “the suspect fled,” law enforcement said in a statement.

“I just want to go home”

The video of the arrest shows long beatings, with beatings, kicks and clubs. Sprayed with tear gas and electrocuted by a taser, the young man attempts to flee but is then caught by the agents. “I just want to go home,” we hear him say once. “Mum! Mum! Mum!” he calls later.

“I just want to go home” seems to be becoming the catchphrase. The actresses Viola Davis and Niecy Nash in particular posted these few words, in white on a black background, on Instagram.

“Escalation of anti-black violence”

Inspired by the death of young Oscar Grant during an arrest in 2009, Octavia Spencer (The Shape of Water, The Color of Feelings) recalls the 2013 film Fruitvale Station in which she starred.

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Octavia Spencer calls for mobilization ahead of the next US presidential election: “Yesterday it was Oscar Grant. Today it’s Tire Nichols. Tomorrow, and unfortunately there will be a tomorrow, that could be you. Are we doing it? Get ready for 2024 .” .”

“Tyre Nichols deserved better,” reads the Instagram account of BeyGOOD, Beyoncé’s charity. “To the Nichols family – just like the rest of humanity, we mourn the senseless loss of your dear son. His life mattered!”.

Joe Biden ‘outraged’

The political class also reacted. Thirty minutes after the video was released, US President Joe Biden said he was “outraged” and “deeply hurt” and described “a painful reminder of the deep fear, trauma, pain and exhaustion that black and colored Americans face every day.” “.

Barack Obama, his predecessor in the White House, and his wife Michelle issued a joint statement: “America still has a long way to go to improve the way we patrol our streets.”

Memphis Police Department announced on Saturday the disbanding of the task force involved in the fatal beating. Rallies of a few dozen to a few hundred people were held in several cities including Memphis, New York and Washington on Friday night. Since his death, his family has repeatedly called for calm.

Original article published on BFMTV.com

VIDEO – In the United States, Memphis police dismantle the unit involved in the fatal arrest of Tire Nichols