Death threats against Sebastien Delorme and his family Hollywoodpqcom

Death threats against Sébastien Delorme and his family | – HollywoodPQ

Sebastian Delorme would be the target of significant virtual threats for two years, as reported by journalist Hugo Dumas in a very intense article in La Presse.

As a matter of fact, Essential actor dealing with a disturbing stalker who goes beyond the bounds by blocking her from her social networks.

However, according to Hugo Dumas, the lady in question came to practically attack the 13-year-old daughter, father and wife of Sébastien with very violent and disturbing remarks.

In fact, there are sometimes downright death threats against Sébastien Delorme and his family.

It would also be a woman known for her intensity among certain other Quebec stars, according to the same source.

After a second complaint by Sébastien Delorme, the lady was finally arrested for the second time.

The next episode would be played on March 15th at the Montreal courthouse, we also find out in the article by La Presse, an article that you can also discover in full only here.

A bloodthirsty story, isn’t it?