Declared dead by the doctor he is revived as the

Declared dead by the doctor, he is revived as the ambulance passes a pothole

Brought back to life by a pothole. After doctor Darshan Singh Brar, an 80-year-old Indian, pronounced him dead, he was revived in the ambulance and taken home, where his grieving family was waiting. It is the television channel NDTV that tells this unlikely story on its website.

According to the Indian media report, it was the miracle victim's grandson who was in the back seat of the vehicle and witnessed this atypical revival. His grandfather started moving his hand after the ambulance drove over a hole in the road. Then he checked to see if the heart was beating, and it was. He immediately alerted the driver so that the octogenarian was taken to the nearest hospital, where the doctors present could only determine that the deceased was not dead. They don't understand how their colleagues could make a wrong diagnosis. “The 80-year-old cardiac patient is currently undergoing treatment at a hospital in Karnal where his condition is said to be critical.”adds NDTV.

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” A wonder “

The man from a village near Karnal, north of New Delhi, had not been feeling well for several days. As his condition worsened, his relatives took him to the hospital where he was given artificial respiration. As I observed his progressive weakening after four days, “ Doctors said his heartbeat had stopped. The respirator mask was removed.”, reports NDTV. For Balwan Singh, one of the grandchildren, “It's a miracle. Now we hope that my grandfather recovers soon.”. The food prepared for the funeral was distributed to those who were to attend the cremation.