Decree against cyberattacks with 5G network approved in Costa Rica

Decree against cyberattacks with 5G network approved in Costa Rica

This was announced by the head of Micitt, Paula Bogantes, who explained that the institution focuses its efforts on the prevention of cyberattacks, which includes the development and approval of legal norms and other tools in line with best international practices.

The official explained at a press conference that the goal is to protect Costa Rica, people’s privacy, their data, their savings, their families, the country’s children, but also the companies, public institutions and the commerce that arrives protect fifth generation (5G) mobile communications technology.

Just a few days ago, the Government of Costa Rica published a decree establishing that, for access to contracts for the development of 5G technology, participating countries have signed or are in the process of acceding to the Budapest Convention on Cybersecurity.

This would prevent the Asian giant Huawei from participating, which led to complaints from the Chinese embassy here.

In this regard, the Minister explained that the intention was not to leave out a competitor, but that we tried to provide citizens with the guarantee of the principles of protection and security against computer crime and cybercrime, based on current international standards.

We leave no country out. We say that companies that provide equipment or software must comply with a number of guidelines contained in the regulations. The Budapest Convention is the first international treaty to protect society from computer and Internet crime, he emphasized.
