1697928174 Deepfake porn Illegal images in adult videos are getting out

Deepfake porn: Illegal images in adult videos are getting out of control Tec

The advancement of deepfakes, a combination of “deep learning” and “fake,” has sparked a controversial digital transformation. Among the sinister applications of this technology, the use of deepfake porn stands out.

The disturbing reality of fake adult videos is a growing threat worldwide. According to a study published by WIRED, the number of videos with Deepfake pornographic content increased 54% in the first nine months of 2023 compared to last year when 73,000 videos were uploaded.

And the outlook for the coming months is far from optimistic: it is estimated that by the end of 2023, the number of videos published will exceed the total of all previous years combined on more than 300 websites that involve some form of nonconsensual pornography .

Combating deepfake porn is essential to prevent misinformation.Combating deepfake porn is essential to prevent misinformation. Source: GettyImages

Given these numbers, desperation is knocking at the door. After all, almost everyone has a personal image circulating on the Internet that can be manipulated by artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms.

The first step to prevention is information. For this reason, Learn more about what deepfakes porn is and why this technology is sparking important ethical debates in several global organizations.

What is deepfake porn and how is it produced?

Pornographic deepfakes are videos created using deep learning algorithms that replace the face of one of the actors in scenes from an adult film with another, often without the victim’s consent.

This is done using a huge data set, usually consisting of images or videos of the person whose face is inserted into the footage. Technology has advanced so much that for the Facial expressions, lip movement and lighting are adjusted to make the assembly as convincing as possible.

The phenomenon of pornographic deepfakes rose to prominence in the mid2010s and their practice has increased since then, driven by the accessibility of software and hardware.

What are the dangers of deepfake porn?

Although deepfake technology has legitimate applications, such as special effects in films and animations, its use in illegal and nonconsensual adult videos has become a serious problem. The most serious and urgent impacts include:

Violation of victims’ privacy

In many cases, defamation, invasion of privacy and copyright laws may apply. However, the Internet is huge and frequent The perpetrators remain anonymous. This makes law enforcement more difficult and increases impunity.

Emotional and psychological consequences

Being the target of such intimate violations can lead to psychological problems such as depression, anxiety and even suicide. “The potential impact on a person’s physical and mental health, as well as their job, family and social life, can be immense, regardless of whether the image is fake or ‘real’,” says Asher Flynn, a professor at Monash University University on the consequences of digital abuse.

Digital Security Threats

The proliferation of deepfake porn shows how vulnerable we are to digital manipulation and fraud, and undermines trust in the authenticity of videos and images where it is difficult to distinguish between real and fake.

Women are the most common targets of deepfake porn

The proliferation of deepfake porn poses an increasingly common threat to celebrities, particularly women. Artists, streamers, and content creators are often targets of these fraudulent videos.

It should be recalled that the term “deepfake porn” gained prominence in the media when a deepfake adult video of actress Gal Gadot, Wonder Woman, began circulating in 2017. Since then, the problem has become widespread.

Nina Jankowicz, a disinformation researcher and former US Department of Homeland Security employee, points out that deepfakes are becoming increasingly convincing. Women in public service face a growing threat. She herself became the victim of a fake news and image campaign in 2020.

The problem is even more alarming when you consider that underage girls are also among the targets. In southwestern Spain, authorities are investigating 11 complaints of deepfake porn, all of which target minors.

These fake images were created using an AI app that allows users to “undress” anyone based on a photo. Unfortunately, the news published by EuroNews only confirms the widespread use of deepfake porn.

The fake videos and images circulating on the Internet primarily affect women.The fake videos and images circulating on the Internet particularly endanger women. Source: GettyImages

The British authorities had already announced months earlier that only one between January and August 2021 The website, which “practically undresses women,” received 38 million visitors.

The seriousness of the problem is emphasized by concerned mothers like Miriam Al Adib, whose 14yearold daughter was a victim of these deepfakes: “Girls, don’t be afraid to report such acts. Tell your mothers. Concerned mothers, tell me so you can be in the group we created.

Are there benefits to using deepfake?

Deepfakes have the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with media and content online. In fact, this technology is already in use. Researchers believe that up to 90% of online content could be artificially created in the coming years.

The use of deepfake can be done in creative and productive ways, such as creating changing rooms in virtual consumer stores and dynamic scenes in museums.

Although the benefits are obvious, as with any technology, it is essential to prevent the irresponsible and malicious distribution of this content scratch These include blackmail, virtual bullying, and financial and political manipulation.

How do you combat deepfake porn?

When we deal with criminal law (and other fields), the norm always follows the evolution of society, according to Ana Paula Fernandes, a lawyer with a postgraduate degree in criminal law and criminal procedure.

“Until recently, between 2017 and 2018, the development of artificial intelligence was very low. We didn’t have access to big platforms like today that are easy to find,” claims Fernandes.

Therefore, there is a certain “lag” in the implementation of the law relative to what is happening in society.

Fernandes further adds: “In Brazil, there is no specific definition that regulates the exact behavior that culminates in deepfake porn. In fact, not even deepfake itself.”

In January 2023, China introduced sweeping rules requiring consent from the person whose image was manipulated, identification through digital signatures or watermarks, and deepfake service providers offering means to refute rumors.

The new Chinese legislation has also created a dilemma in other countries, which are debating how to regulate this technology and curb deepfake porn. The question is: How can we do this while preserving freedom of expression?

In the United States, for example, current rules focus on deepfakes of a pornographic or political nature. Last month, New York state passed a law banning the distribution of AIgenerated pornographic images without the consent of the person depicted.

In the European Union, proposals to introduce technology restrictions are still awaiting implementation. It’s a matter of unpredictability, and nations are competing to establish norms in the global artificial intelligence scene.

How to protect yourself from using illegal images in adult videos?

With the help of criminal law specialist Ana Paula Fernandes, we’ve put together some suggestions on how to protect yourself from deepfake porn use:

  • Limit access to your media as much as possible, for example by hiding your WhatsApp profile photo from unknown numbers.
  • Take precautions when photographed at parties, such as: B. Check the name of the photographer, the company responsible for the publication and the platform on which it is published.
  • Be mindful of the material you share on social media and adjust your privacy settings.
  • If you notice any suspicious online activity related to your images or personal information, investigate and take action immediately.
  • If you become a victim of deepfake porn, report it to the authorities. Your report can help identify those responsible.
  • Use reliable digital security solutions such as antivirus programs, firewalls and deepfake detection systems.
  • Protecting yourself from deepfake porn requires vigilance and education. Keep browsing TecMundo to stay up to date with the latest news from the world of technology.