Defense minister warned of increasing attacks against Venezuela

Defense minister warned of increasing attacks against Venezuela

Defense minister warned of increasing attacks against VenezuelaCaracas, July 22 – Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino warned that attacks against Venezuela are increasing.

Through its Twitter account, the high command of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces indicated that the economic and media war was deepening and calls for violence were renewed.

The Venezuelan Commander-in-Chief said in his message that at the same time the US Southern Command is increasing its presence in our area of ​​interest.

“Chance? The same script returns warnings!” he insisted. In recent days, President Nicolás Maduro has warned of plans by sections of the opposition aimed at fueling violence, hatred and confrontation between Venezuelans.

This Friday, in an act by the state of La Guaira, the ruler assured that the imperialists could not cooperate with the people of Venezuela “not today nor ever”.

The head of state stressed that US imperialism must lift all sanctions against his country.

Maduro indicated that they (the opponents) intend to generate violence again, they want hatred, intolerance and confrontation between Venezuelans again. (PL) (Photo: Presidential Press / By Telesur)