1701555861 Deploying the Catalyst platform at Arctic Cat

Deploying the Catalyst platform at Arctic Cat

In 2024, Arctic Cat has decided to extend the new Catalyst platform to certain models in its range, representing a very important step forward for the American manufacturer.

“This winter marks the start of deployment of the new Catalyst platform. “This is a new chassis built from start to finish by Arctic Cat for the new generation of snowmobiles,” explained Denis Lavoie of Motoneiges.ca.

“They did a lot of work on mass centralization and lowering the center of gravity of the snowmobile. This means the driver has better control of their snowmobile when loading the running boards to turn the snowmobile or even when standing.

“For off-piste snowmobilers, having the same control over the snowmobile is less stressful when weight shifts. It really is a chassis that ensures a very pleasant ride. »

The engineers also improved the drivers’ driving position.

“They made sure the weight of the driver and the engine were in the same place. The engine remains the heaviest component in a snowmobile’s chassis. It is this centralization of masses that makes us on the snowmobile less likely to fall victim to these dangers when we find ourselves in more difficult and rugged places.

“If a rider moves backwards instead of staying in the middle, they will certainly be thrown around a lot more. This is the wealth of this new platform, which offers greater comfort and better maneuverability to the models equipped with it. »

This chassis can be found in three model families, namely those for the mountain with the M series, the Riots as a hybrid model and those for the trail in the ZR series. This winter, several tests will be carried out on the slopes of Quebec by different experts.

“At the last snowshoot in West Yellowstone last spring, this chassis was unanimously appreciated by everyone who tried it,” adds the expert.

Arctic Cat Catalyst snowmobiles

The ZR 600, 137-inch track, will be equipped with the new version of this significantly more efficient engine in 2024. Photo provided by Motoneiges.ca


Last September, the company also announced two additional new items to its range.

“At first we were promised an engine that would produce more than 155 horsepower. They have kept this promise by introducing a new 858 cm³ engine,” said the expert.

“It was designed specifically for the Catalyst platform. It’s a C-TEC 2 that offers the same technology in terms of fuel injection, but has really been completely redesigned. The change in displacement compared to the existing 800 cm³ is mainly at the level of the longer stroke, which allows the engine to be increased from almost 800 cm³ to 858 cm³.

“There are also some new features in this new engine, such as the exhaust valves, which now offer better control, which allows the engine to be much faster, if we can put it that way.” The responsiveness is at all speed levels noticeably better. »

This new engine will be offered on the 2025 models.

Without being in the secret of the gods, according to the expert, the models that in 2024 will be equipped with a 600 cc engine, slightly more efficient than those of recent years, will be offered with the 800 engine. We also have to expect that the new chassis will be found in other Arctic Cat model series. This is great for snowmobilers.


The second new feature, introduced last September, is a watch face.

“Initially, it must be said that we had hoped that the latter would be offered in the 2024 models, but the experts let us know that it would not appear before 2025. The content of the new addition was worked out with the Garmin company from everything relating to the mapping aspect.

“For people who have purchased a 2024 model on the Catalyst platform, we want to be quick to let you know that you can get this new watch face as soon as it becomes available. It is compatible. A set is sold accordingly. »

Finally, the expert summarized the American manufacturer’s innovations as follows: “For 2024, the two main points are the new platform and the modified 600 cc engine.” The company had no choice but to develop a new platform to which nothing had changed for more than 10 years. It took them years of work and testing to achieve this and create this new generation that will delight fans. »