Details in 'Renascer' premiere reveal 's turnaround after Pantanal mistake TV

Bruno Luperi gave indications that he paid attention to criticism of the treatment of the environment in the remake of Pantanal (2022). The first chapter of Renascer on Monday (22) treated the topic in a significantly less didactic way and with greater attention to the speakers especially in one of the first scenes of Jupará (Evaldo Macarrão).

Juma's (Alanis Guillen) story has been heavily criticized for promoting a “greenwash,” also known as greenwashing, in one of the sectors most contributing to climate change. The rancher José Leôncio (Marcos Palmeira) spoke in favor of conservation, even though his economic activity was one of the main culprits for the deterioration of this biome.

Pantanal had also failed to provide a counterpoint to the traditional management of the agricultural economy. Jove (Jesuita Barbosa) often approached agroforestry with overly didacticism, which ultimately led to the public being further removed from a deeper discussion.

Furthermore, the photographer was precisely an outsider pointing out what should be done in the region, while there were voices much more connected to the country like those of Tadeu (José Loreto) or even Velho do Rio (Osmar Prado ). A controversial scene on the topic of veganism also complicated the discussion.

Rebirth in advance already gives Luperi the chance to build a different kind of debate about the environment. José Inocêncio (Humberto Carrão) was portrayed as a man with revolutionary ideas about cocoa production surprising as he rebuilt a farm destroyed by the witch's broom.

Instead of long speeches about agroforestry, the protagonist put the method into practice and in a way that contributed to the narrative. The workers' amazement at the idea of ​​mixing native forest with cocoa alone introduced the topic in a much simpler and more understandable way.

people of the earth

One of Renascer's successes in dealing with the environment was the space given to Jupará. He had a wellreceived sequence in which he explained the origin of his nickname. This is a reference to a bird that was commissioned by God to spread cacao seeds.

The most inattentive viewer might have thought that the sequence was just a mannerism from the long debut chapter. However, the dialogue presented to the public the relationship between traditional people and the land, consisting not only of diverse knowledge but also of a deep sacred connection with the soil.

Jupará represents the various Quilombola communities in southern Bahia that have resisted since the 18th century, when the great flow of enslaved people began to escape to settlements such as Camamu and Cairú. In other words, it expresses more than two centuries of practices that represent an alternative to the type of land exploitation proposed by agribusiness.

Return to Velho Chico

Luperi's excessive respect for the text of his grandfather, Benedito Ruy Barbosa, may have caused much of the uproar over the environmental debate in the Pantanal. The relationship between agribusiness and the land and the ecological agenda was very different in 1990 than it was in 2022 and even in 1996, when rancher Bruno Mezenga (Antonio Fagundes) was the protagonist of O Rei do Gado.

Renascer is closer to Velho Chico (2016), in which Santo (Domingos Montagner) also represented these voices of the country in counterpoint to a representative of the agricultural industry, the villain Afrânio (Antonio Fagundes). José Inocêncio also brings this confrontation into his problematic relationship with colonels Firmino (Enrique Diaz) and Belarmino (Antonio Calloni).

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