DHS official and former Palestinian liberation movement spokeswoman Nejwa Ali

DHS official and former Palestinian liberation movement spokeswoman Nejwa Ali is placed on leave after praising Hamas’ terrorist attacks and saying, “F*** Israel… we are ready for your demise.”

A Department of Homeland Security official was placed on leave after she praised Hamas and shared extremist content on social media – including a post in which she wrote: “F*** Israel… we are ready for your demise.”

Nejwa Ali, 36, who joined the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services in 2019 and held the position of asylum officer, was placed on leave Wednesday after her controversial history came to light.

She worked helping asylum seekers through the immigration process before moving to Homeland Security earlier this year.

In addition to years of alarmist social media posts, it was also revealed that she previously served as a spokesperson for the Palestine Liberation Organization delegation to the US – a group once led by Yasser Arafat – which has been designated a terrorist organization by US officials.

In a recent post, Ali shared a disturbing image of paragliders armed with AK-47s with the caption “Free Palestine,” glorifying the terrorists responsible for killing over 1,400 people in Israel.

The Daily Wire revealed years of troubling posts from Ali, including one in which she expressed disdain for what she described as “Israeli and American privilege.”

Nejwa Ali, 36, who joined the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services in 2019 and held the position of asylum officer, was placed on leave Wednesday after her controversial history came to light

Nejwa Ali, 36, who joined the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services in 2019 and held the position of asylum officer, was placed on leave Wednesday after her controversial history came to light

In a recent post, Ali shared a disturbing image of paragliders armed with AK-47s with the caption

In a recent post, Ali shared a disturbing image of paragliders armed with AK-47s with the caption “Free Palestine,” glorifying the terrorists responsible for killing over 1,400 people in Israel

Ali's posts included one in which she expressed her disdain for what she described as

Ali’s posts included one in which she expressed her disdain for what she described as “Israeli and American privilege.”

It is unclear how Ali was recruited into government positions and the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) in the first place, given her alarming previous posts and ties to the PLO.

“USCIS strongly condemns anti-Semitism and the use of violent rhetoric in any form,” spokesman Matthew Bourke told Newsweek. “USCIS employees are held to high ethical standards both on and off duty, including their presence on social media.” “Any violation of these standards is taken seriously by the agency.”

The Daily Wire reached Ali, who responded angrily when asked about her past.

“It’s none of your damn business.” Mind your business before I call the police. “If I were you, I would respectfully hang up immediately,” she reportedly told the outlet.

In her posts, Ali called for all Israelis to be held accountable for their government’s actions if they do not condemn Israel.

“Israeli and American privilege is disgusting.” When the Israelis acknowledge that the government and military are solely responsible for the attack. Period,” she wrote. “I hold every Israeli responsible for the actions of their government IF they do not speak out against Israel.”

Additionally, on October 9, Ali shared a post on Facebook titled “How Nejwa wakes up,” as well as a video with the caption “F*** Israel and every Jew who supports Israel.”

She showed a photo with the statement: “A nation that has nothing but Allah has everything it will ever need,” next to an anti-Semitic caricature of a Jewish nose.

In addition to years of alarmist social media posts, it was also revealed that she previously served as a spokesperson for the Palestine Liberation Organization delegation to the US - a group once led by Yasser Arafat - which has been designated a terrorist organization by US officials

In addition to years of alarmist social media posts, it was also revealed that she previously served as a spokesperson for the Palestine Liberation Organization delegation to the US – a group once led by Yasser Arafat – which has been designated a terrorist organization by US officials

1697720916 720 DHS official and former Palestinian liberation movement spokeswoman Nejwa Ali 1697720918 859 DHS official and former Palestinian liberation movement spokeswoman Nejwa Ali 1697720920 748 DHS official and former Palestinian liberation movement spokeswoman Nejwa Ali

Prior to her current position, Ali worked as a public affairs officer for the Palestinian delegation to the United States in 2016 and 2017, according to her LinkedIn profile. The delegation acted as a “PLO office in DC,” the website says.

The Palestine Liberation Organization was once declared a terrorist group by various governments. It was led by Yasser Arafat, who became the face of efforts for Palestinian freedom for decades.

When the DC-PLO office was shut down by the Trump administration, Ali secured a job at DHS as an “asylum officer,” where she was responsible for “applying immigration laws and regulations to asylum applications.”

That year, she began working as an Adjudication Officer for the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, where she was tasked with “analyzing new or changing laws and policies, preparing written reports of findings, and reviewing immigration benefit cases and decisions.” to meet about it.”

Ali’s social media, including her Instagram account “Falastine Mi Amor,” appears to have been deleted.