Dialogue between Russia and Ukraine in phase of stagnation

Dialogue between Russia and Ukraine in phase of stagnation

However, the diplomat made it clear to the press that the dialogue is currently faltering. Meanwhile, the offensive of the Russian armed forces, together with the militias of the self-proclaimed People’s Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk, is advancing on the areas still controlled by Kyiv.

Despite the advance of troops in the so-called second phase of the operation, the Russian authorities believe that dialogue between Moscow and Kyiv must continue.

Russian proposals for a possible deal provide that Ukraine is not a member of any military alliance, is a neutral state, in exchange for security guarantees, in addition to banning military bases, the manufacture and use of weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons, as chemical and biological, under other.

On the other hand, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Gutérres, has announced his visit to Russia for April 26, where he will meet the President of the nation.

The diplomat will also be in Ukraine on April 28, where he will hold a working meeting with the country’s Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba and will be received by President Vladimir Zelenskyy. In addition, Guterres will hold a meeting with UN personnel working in Ukraine to discuss expanding humanitarian assistance to the country’s people.