quotDictatorship deniersquotsays the Argentine President about Milei and Vice

"Dictatorship deniers"says the Argentine President about Milei and Vice

At an event, Fernández also accused the candidates of denying the country’s economic situation and climate change

The President of Argentina, Alberto Fernández, accused this Monday (September 4, 2023) the candidate of the party La Libertad Avanza (in Portuguese: Advances in Freedom), Javier Milei, and his vice president Victoria Villarruel of denying the military dictatorship and climate change. The information comes from the newspaper El Litoral.

“It’s not an easy time, but in difficult times you tell the truth. We do not deny the economic situation, climate change or the dictatorship that this country has experienced. “The deniers are others, the ones who talk about freedom,” he said.

Fernández made these statements during the handover of 788 houses in the Pocitos and Las Pampas neighborhoods of San Juan, accompanied by Acting Governor Sergio Uñac and Minister of Territorial Development and Housing Santiago Maggiotti.

Without mentioning Milei directly, the Argentine president said: “When [eles] They say they will reduce government spending. I want you to know that 70% of the spending is for pensions and people who need them.”

“What are you going to do? They assume that a bank will be responsible for building these houses. “We have to leave Buenos Aires and look at Argentina,” he said.

Fernández also adopted the concept of “caste” used by Milei, emphasizing: “Nor are we part of a caste that is protected by those who say they are against the caste. “The Argentine economic caste is retarding the development of the country.”

Sergio Massa, current Minister of Economy and government candidate in the 2023 presidential elections, is supported by Fernández and represents the Unión por la Patria coalition. Milei led the primary election, held on August 14, with 30.06% of the vote. The percentage is not enough to be elected in the first round. Massa received 21.4% of the vote and came in 2nd place.


Javier Gerardo Milei is 52 years old, has a degree in economics and led the primary elections on August 13, 2023 with 30.4% of the vote in the dispute for the presidency of Argentina. He is on the right side of the ideological political spectrum and represents liberal ideas about the economy. He advocates closing the country’s central bank, abolishing the peso and using the U.S. dollar as the local currency.

The candidate is running for Casa Rosada for the coalition “La Libertad Avanza” (in Portuguese: Advances in Freedom). Milei defines himself as an “anarchocapitalist” and “libertarian” he is against government intervention in society and supports the free market system. He says his program is a “chainsaw” to cut public spending. He claims that global warming is a lie, supports the sale of organs and defends the noncompulsory and private education system.

Read more about who the presidential candidates are in the election on October 22, 2023 in Argentina here