Did Enrico Macias call for the killing of MPs who

Did Enrico Macias call for the killing of MPs who do not support Israel? – Patriotic Algeria

Enrico Macias Israel Gaza

Enrico Macias. DR

By Abdelkader S. – “We have to physically eliminate them.” This is how Enrico Macias lost his temper when he confronted the racist presenter Pascal Praud on the set of CNews, a propaganda channel dedicated exclusively to the defense of Zionism and Islamophobia. The French singer is particularly angry at the deputies of La France insoumise (LFI), who refuse to tolerate Israel’s serious human rights violations in Gaza and whose position contrasts with the unconditional support of the criminal regime in Tel Aviv and the influence of the political class the dominant French media.

Enrico Macias, who dreams of visiting his homeland before his death, reduces with every day the chance that this wish will come true. Last March, the Jewish artist, originally from Constantine, reiterated his desire to return to Algeria. In the TV5 Monde program “L’invite”, the interpreter of “Children from all countries” – apparently with the exception of those from Gaza, who are being massacred by the Israeli terrorist army without moving – said that “we remember this “We must remember where we come from.” Therefore, we must remember the past in order to better correct the future, because the past gives us lessons.” Lessons that he apparently has not learned even at the age of 84.

However, Cheikh Raymond’s son-in-law was very close to death and knows how bitter that is. “I had practically no youth, my youth was surrounded by violence, it was the Algerian war,” he confessed, still dismayed, emphasizing that “the death of [tonton] Raymond was a big blow to me and I feel it until now, he has been present in my life all the time, even now from where he is. And he added in a trembling voice: “When you know that you have nowhere to go back, the shock is double, triple, quadruple.” When we know that we don’t have the memories that we had, that we carry in our hearts If we can’t experience it again, it’s too difficult, it’s a first death.”

Enrico Macias, who does not seem to be unduly affected by the deaths of hundreds of Palestinians, claimed hypocritically – his insincerity is confirmed – that “the peace that I have been singing about since my beginnings, this peace, I see it, it is there.” Move. Despite all the wars, all the violence, I am optimistic, even at the moment I am still optimistic, because one day people will wake up and say to themselves: “But what we are doing is stupid.” Was he talking about Zionist unity? We could have believed it, until this umpteenth pro-Israel statement, which contrasts with his “certainty” that “there will be peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians.” “My heart goes out to the Israelis and the Palestinians, to all people, whether Palestinian or Israeli, Jew, Muslim, Christian or Buddhist, we all have a heart, we all have feelings,” he falsely said.