Did Philippe Dupere39s character make a mistake in STAT

Did Philippe Dupéré's character make a mistake in STAT?

In the trailer for the episode of STAT which will air on Monday, February 26, 2024, we can see a patient who was presented last week return to the hospital in critical condition. Could the psychiatrist Philippe Dupéré have made an error in judgment?

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In fact, during an episode that aired last week, a young patient named Elliott Bélanger showed up at the hospital in distress with suicidal thoughts. He met Emmanuelle (Suzanne Clément), who referred him to the psychiatrist Philippe Dupéré (Patrick Labbe).

Philippe subjected him to a fairly brief consultation, to which he presented himself accompanied by a dog, Paul, who seemed to calm the young man in distress.

Here is an excerpt of what was said during the sequence:

– “If you don’t feel strong enough to go home, I can arrange for you to spend the night here. We will call your parents and your mother to calm them down,” he suggested.

– “No, no, I'm fine, I'm better. “It was good for me to talk to you.” Elliott replied.

– “When will you see your psychologist again?”

-“In a few days.”

– “And you will talk to him about all this? (…) I will send a request to your CLSC to inquire in the psychiatric ward. They can do a detailed analysis to determine whether you need medication or not.”

The psychiatrist then let the teenager go.

Internet users then reported on the speed of their meeting and the fact that the teenager's parents had not been informed.

Could it be that the psychiatrist lacked judgment? Continues tonight, starting at 7 p.m.

Here is the trailer: