Died from Chernobyl radiation Ukraine reveals case of Russian soldiers

‘Died from Chernobyl radiation’, Ukraine reveals case of Russian soldiers exposed to nuclear power


Died from radiation exposure at Chernobyl power plant. A Russian soldier is the first nuclear victim in the war in Ukraine. The Ukrainian company Energoatom, which deals with the management of nuclear power plants, reports on its TV channel that based on data published by the Military Medical Service of the Russian Federation, the first death of a soldier from radiation received at Chernobyl was determined. Another 26 soldiers would be hospitalized and 73 transferred.

He got it all wrong, Tricarico rejects Putin in Ukraine.  Because he's losing the war

According to reports from the Ukrainian company, the Russians took away five of the 15 containers with repair equipment and spare parts needed for the Chernobyl facilities. There will be no more Russians in the plant area after 8 p.m. on March 31. Troops from Moscow have withdrawn and are holding hostage the Ukrainian border guards kidnapped at the start of the invasion. After the departure of the Russians, the Chernobyl power plant, which returned to the collapse of Ukraine, has found a situation of normality again: the technological equipment and all monitoring systems are working normally, as reported by the director of the power plant through Energoatom .


Meanwhile, the DirectorGeneral of the International Atomic Energy Agency (AIEA), Mariano Grossi, has announced that he will lead a “mission of assistance and assistance to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant” as soon as possible. “It will he added in the tweet be the first in a series of similar security missions in Ukraine. Yaroslav Yemelyanenko, President of the Association of Chernobyl Tour Operators and a member of the Public Council of the State Agency for Exclusion Zone Management, said that “After all these paramilitary groups not only of the nuclear power plant itself, but also of the Chernobyl area, they will be gone, the same reclamation process that was carried out in 1986 will have to be partially repeated,” he wrote on Telegram. According to Yemelyanenko, “it will be necessary to wash the streets with special solutions, remove the dirt and partially bury the fortifications that the Russian troops built in the ‘red forest.’ But he added I will insist that some of these fortifications should , I warn, be left as a legacy of history so that all visitors to the Chernobyl area after d em war to see the stupidity of Russia and what it has done in this area.