diet during menopause

diet during menopause

In his new book Better to live the menopausetogether with dr. Written by Lyne Desautels, Isabelle Huot tells us about nutrition during menopause, providing nutritional suggestions that can reduce hot flashes and other discomforts associated with this phase of a woman’s life.

Menopause is not an illness, the two authors explain in their book, which has just been published by Éditions de l’Homme. This is a phase of hormonal transition when the ovaries stop producing sex hormones.

However, this hormonal imbalance causes many annoying symptoms: hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, weight gain, aging skin, among others. It is possible to control part of this through diet, explains Isabelle Huot, nutritionist.

“We recommend first reviewing your lifestyle and adjusting your diet. Some women will find relief from these changes alone, others will see symptoms persist and opt for hormones. What we recommend in our book is an approach that combines healthy eating and hormone replacement therapy. »

Soy and Omega 3

By eating or avoiding certain foods, it is possible to reduce certain symptoms or avoid triggering them, explains Isabelle Huot in Better to live the menopause.

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Photo courtesy of Quebecor Book Group, Melany Bernier

“Coffee or sugar can cause insomnia, while red wine or spicy foods can cause hot flashes. Conversely, some foods promote sleep, muscle maintenance, and heart health, while others may even affect hormone balance. For example, soy and its derivatives, edamame, tofu, tempeh, etc. contain phytoestrogens, these molecules have a similarity to estrogen, one of the hormones that we stop producing during menopause,” says Isabelle Huot.

In Better living during menopauseNot only have we discovered a whole range of foods that contain phytoestrogens, but also that foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon or olive oil, can help reduce night sweats. Isabelle Huot also lists a whole list of high-fiber and high-protein foods that are essential for gut health and muscle.

“We don’t talk about it enough and that’s why women don’t feel concerned, but postmenopausal heart disease deaths outnumber cancer deaths. It is therefore important to take a global approach that includes a healthy diet and physical activity to keep your heart healthy while reducing the discomfort associated with menopause. If the symptoms of hormonal imbalances persist, we can turn to hormone therapy. »

If we wanted to include 5 foods that promote a smooth menopause, what would they be? “I would say soybeans, flaxseed, berries, nuts and fish,” summarizes Isabelle Huot.

Isabelle Huot’s advice for a smooth menopause

Keep a log

On paper or via an application, Isabelle Huot suggests noting what you eat while recording the symptoms observed. “It allows us to monitor the effects of our diet, see progress and make the changes we need to make. It helps us decide whether or not we need hormone therapy. »

Include phytoestrogens in your diet

“You only need 100 grams of tofu or 1/2 cup of edamame per day, or even a tablespoon of flaxseeds, which also provide omega-3 fatty acids,” suggests Isabelle Huot.

Take care of your microbiota

“The link between gut health and anxiety has been supported by numerous studies. Incorporating fiber and probiotics into your diet, especially yogurt and fermented milk, can solve digestive problems while helping our mental health,” says Isabelle Huot.

Embrace the Mediterranean Diet

“This lifestyle includes eating fish, olive oil, lots of fruits and vegetables, it is good for heart and skin health, but also for mental health and to reduce abdominal weight gain. »

Integrate physical activity into your everyday life

Isabelle Huot stresses the importance of moving. “Menopausal women often suffer from insomnia, and fatigue naturally curbs our desire for physical activity. However, it has been proven that walking for 30 minutes a day slows abdominal weight gain and promotes better sleep. Adopting this simple habit can help us. »


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Photo provided by Isabelle Huot

Isabelle Huot, in collaboration with Chantal Lacroix and 9 physical and mental health professionals, is offering an online menopause support program that will last 8 weeks and start at the end of January.

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