Dietitian Gives Effective Tips to Stop Fluid Retention

Dietitian Gives Effective Tips to Stop Fluid Retention

A fluid retention This is a condition in which the body retains excessive amounts of water. Also known as edema, it can cause swelling and discomfort, particularly in the extremities such as the legs, ankles, and feet.

Causes can be a lack of physical activity, a highsalt diet, hormonal problems or other diseases.

In addition to visible swelling, there are others symptoms Common symptoms include heaviness, stiffness, and sudden weight gain.

Treatment for fluid retention usually involves lifestyle changes such as reducing salt intake, increasing physical activity, elevating your legs for a period of the day, and, in more severe cases, taking medication prescribed by your doctor.

To improve the discomfort caused by fluid retention, here are the top three tips to combat this nuisance. See!

3 important tips to avoid fluid buildup

1. Practice physical activity

Physical activity plays an important role in reducing fluid retention. Sport stimulates blood circulation and thus improves blood and fluid flow in the tissue. This can help reduce swelling and fluid buildup in extremities like the legs and ankles.

In addition, physical activity contributes to increased perspiration, which helps eliminate toxins and excess fluid through sweat.

2. Reduce the amount of sodium in your food

A highsodium diet is one of the main causes of fluid retention. If possible, reduce the amount of salt.

3. Drink lots of water

Drinking water plays a key role in preventing and treating fluid retention. While it may not make sense, staying hydrated is essential to balance body fluid levels and reduce swelling.

When we are dehydrated, the body tends to retain water as a defense mechanism. This is because the body interprets the lack of water as a sign scarcity and begins to conserve available fluid, causing swelling and retention.