Dimitri Minic Russian military elites are pessimistic about the future

Dimitri Minic: “Russian military elites are pessimistic about the future of war in Ukraine”

By Hugues Maillot

Published 2 hours ago, updated 44 minutes ago

Russian soldiers on parade. OLGA MALTSEVA / AFP

INTERVIEW – While the adaptability of the Russian army on the ground should not be underestimated, the country’s military elites do recognize their weaknesses in Ukraine, the researcher analyzes in a study.

Dimitri Minic is a researcher at the Russia/NEI Center at Ifri, a doctor in the history of international relations at the Sorbonne University and a specialist in Russian political-strategic culture. In particular, he is the author of Russian Strategic Thought and Culture, published by the Maison des sciences de l’Homme.

This Friday, September 22nd, he publishes an original study on how Russian military elites perceive the war they are waging in Ukraine and what criticisms and recommendations they make. This work is based on primary sources of Russian military literature, in particular Voennaâ Mysl’ (Military Thought), a major military scientific journal associated with the General Staff and representing the main vector of Russian strategic thought.

LE FIGARO.- “The weaknesses of the Russian army compared to the Ukrainian army are widely and sometimes directly recognized by Russian military elites. “, you notice. What is this “weaknesses » identified…

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