DIRECT Attack by Israel three Frenchmen killed and fourteen missing

DIRECT. Attack by Israel: three Frenchmen killed and fourteen missing, Israel imposes a blockade "in total" from the Gaza Strip,


For the president of Crif, Jean-Luc Mélenchon is an “enemy of the Republic”.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, an “enemy of the Republic”? The words of Yonathan Arfi, president of the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of France (Crif), towards the rebellious leader are damning.

Yesterday, Jean-Luc Mélenchon condemned the initiative of Crif, which called for a demonstration in support of Israel in Paris, as preventing the “solidarity of the French” by forcing everyone to join the government’s position against Israel’s extreme right By agreeing to demonstrate with the RN and insulting the useless elected representatives of the PS, the Crif isolated and prevented the solidarity of the French with the desire for peace and the demand for an immediate ceasefire. “The dead on all sides deserve better and our full compassion,” he wrote a tweet .

By forcing everyone to join the position of the far-right Israeli government, by agreeing to demonstrate with the RN, by insulting the senseless elected representatives of the PS, the Crif isolated and prevented the solidarity of the French with the desire for peace and Peace The demand for…

— Jean-Luc Mélenchon (@JLMelenchon) October 9, 2023

A “pathetic” position for Yonathan Arfi. “We have taken the initiative to organize a gathering open to all French people who want to express their solidarity with Israelis affected by terrorism,” he explains in Apolline Matin on RMC. According to him, Jean-Luc Mélenchon chose “not to express his solidarity with Israel” but, on the contrary, “to legitimize terrorism by equating Israel and Hamas.” “He’s outside the Republican compact,” he added. “He has become an enemy of the Republic.”


Germany, US, France, Italy and UK “will support Israel’s defense efforts”

Germany, the United States, France, Italy and the United Kingdom “will support Israel’s defense efforts” and “unequivocally condemn possible Hamas and its heinous terrorist attacks,” it said a joint press release published yesterday after a meeting with the heads of state and government of the five countries.

“We all recognize the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people and believe that Israelis and Palestinians are equally entitled to justice and freedom. But let’s not kid ourselves: Hamas does not represent these aspirations and offers nothing but more terror and bloodshed.” “Palestinian people,” write German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, US President Joe Biden, French President Emmanuel Macron, and the Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in this text distributed by the White House.

The United States, France, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom will remain united and coordinated – together as allies and as mutual friends of Israel – to ensure that Israel can defend itself.

– President Biden (@POTUS) October 10, 2023


Benjamin Netanyahu calls on the opposition to form a governing coalition

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called last night for the formation of a “government of national unity.” “I call on the opposition leaders to form an emergency government of national unity immediately and without preconditions,” he said in a televised address.

Benjamin Netanyahu, who leads a coalition of right-wing, far-right and ultra-Orthodox parties, is facing one of the biggest crises in the country’s history. In his speech, he outlined the five points of his program: regaining control of the territory and “eliminating the terrorists still in Israel”, carrying out a “massive” attack against Hamas with “unprecedented violence”, “strengthening the other fronts”, in the north against Hezbollah” and in the West Bank, continue the campaign to ensure the support of the international community and ultimately “the unity of the people” with the formation of a government of national unity.


According to the Israeli army, 1,500 bodies of Hamas fighters were found

The Israeli army said this morning it had found “around 1,500 bodies” of Hamas militants in Israel since the Palestinian Islamist movement’s attack from the Gaza Strip on Saturday morning. Until then, the army had spoken of a thousand Palestinian fighters infiltrated.

On the fourth day of hostilities, “the army more or less regained control of the fence on the border” with Gaza, “but infiltrations may still occur,” Colonel Hecht added. However, “we know that no one has entered Israel from Gaza since (the beginning of) last night,” he added. The army has “almost completed” the evacuation of the 24 towns near the border from which it has decided to expel residents of the area.


Several rallies in solidarity with Israel, 16,000 people march in Paris

Thousands of people in Paris marched in solidarity with the Israeli people almost three days after Hamas’ attacks on Israel in Paris and other cities in France. Last night the Eiffel Tower was illuminated in the color of the country’s flag and the Israeli and French anthems were sung on the Place du Trocadéro.

At the opening of the procession, which, according to police headquarters, brought together about 16,000 people, a banner was hung that read: “Terrorism, here, there, same fight, support for Israel.” Further away, others waved a sign reading “Solidarity with Israel against Terrorism.” The demonstrators sang the Israeli anthem and then La Marseillaise. And the Kaddish – the prayer for the dead – at the very end of the meeting.

Many personalities took part in the trip: the President of the National Assembly Yaël Braun-Pivet, the government spokesman and minister responsible for democratic renewal Olivier Véran, the Minister of the Civil Service Stanislas Guerini, the Presidents of the Ile-Regionen-de-France Valérie Pécresse , Hauts-de-France Xavier Bertrand and Rhône-Alpes-Auvergne Laurent Wauquiez. Also marching were the former President of the Republic Nicolas Sarkozy and his wife Carla Bruni, the President of the LR Party Eric Ciotti, the PS deputy Boris Vallaud, the Senator Yannick Jadot (ecologist)…

In Marseille, a city with one of France’s largest Jewish and Muslim communities, nearly 500 people, mostly elderly, gathered in silence outside the prefecture. No banners or signs, just two large French flags and two large Israeli flags. Five hundred people also in Bordeaux, in front of the great synagogue, 250 in Tours in front of the Yitzhak Rabin stele, in the inner courtyard of the town hall, a few hundred in Lille.


In response to attacks in the Gaza Strip, Hamas threatens to execute hostages

undefined Hamas is threatening to execute Israeli hostages in response to increasing Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip.

This threat comes after the “total siege” that Israel imposed this Monday, October 9, on the Gaza Strip, controlled by Hamas since 2007. On Monday, the Israeli army announced that it had regained “control” of the attacked locations in the south of the country. “We are already in the middle of the campaign, but this is just the beginning,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told senior local officials in southern Israel, where Hamas militants launched their surprise attack. “What Hamas will experience will be difficult and terrible (…), we will defeat them with force, enormous force,” promised the Israeli prime minister.

But Hamas warned Israel: “Every time our people are attacked without warning, it will result in the execution of one of the civilian hostages… The enemy does not understand the humanitarian and ethical language, so we will speak to him,” a language that they understand,” he emphasized in a press release. According to the government, more than a hundred people have been kidnapped by Hamas in Israel.


Three French people are dead and fourteen are missing

Three French people were killed in the Hamas attack on Israel and fourteen, including a minor, have been missing since then.

“At this point, we regret the death of two compatriots and have no news of fourteen others whose situation is considered very worrying,” the ministry said, specifying that “this number is subject to change.” “The information we have allows us to consider the abduction of some of them, including a minor child aged twelve, as very likely,” he continued, adding that he is “in constant contact with the families of each victim “ stand. A third death was announced on Tuesday by the French ambassador to Israel.