War in Ukraine what to remember from Monday May 22

DIRECT. War in Ukraine: Moscow says it counters Ukrainian attacks in which Kiev claims it has captured sites Franceinfo

The Ukrainian army has retaken the village of Storoyeve in the Donetsk region, the 35th Marine Brigade assured on Facebook on Monday, June 12 (in Ukrainian). “The national flag is flying again,” Deputy Secretary of Defense Hanna Malyar said. On Sunday, Ukraine had already announced the recapture of three neighboring towns.

These territorial gains, while modest, are the first successes of the Ukrainian general staff since the start of the “counteroffensive” mentioned by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Saturday. The Russian army also said on Monday that it had repelled Ukrainian offensives in the southern part of Ukraine. But the Russian Defense Ministry was careful not to deny or confirm his withdrawal from the four villages claimed by Kiev. Follow our live.

The water level of the Kakhovka dam in question. Experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) want access to the place where the water level of the Kakhovka Dam, which is used to cool the reactors of the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant, is measured. And this in order to “clarify the reason for the significant difference between different measures”.

At least six dead in the floods. Ukrainian authorities have revised up the number of people killed in flooding after the destruction of a dam. Six people were killed and 35 people went missing in the areas they controlled.

Three dead among evacuated civilians. A Russian fire on civilians evacuated from flooded areas after the destruction of the Kakhovka Dam killed three people and wounded at least 23 others, local authorities said on Sunday.