1681742676 DIRECT War in Ukraine The EU judges quotunacceptablequot the blocking

DIRECT. War in Ukraine: The EU judges "unacceptable" the blocking of grain imports from Ukraine and Poland and Hungary

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4:14 p.m .: The journalist Evan Gershkovich, who was also arrested in Russia, is “in good health”, according to the American ambassador.

4:12 p.m .: The trial of Russian opponent Vladimir Kara-Mourza, who has been sentenced to 25 years in prison, is a “political revenge” that “has nothing to do with justice”, his lawyer Vadim Prokhorov from Washington denounced.

DIRECT War in Ukraine The EU judges quotunacceptablequot the blocking

(HANDOUT / Moscow City Court Press Service / AFP)

3:05 p.m.: It’s time for our best of, here’s the content you shouldn’t miss on our site:

• Thousands of Ukrainians are awaiting news of their relatives detained in Russia. Raphaël Godet, Fabien Magnenou and Mathieu Dreujou met in Mykolaïv these mothers or wives of soldiers who shared their doubts and hopes.

• SpaceX’s Starship rocket launch is scheduled for 3:20 p.m., watch the launch live.

Department by department, where have prices increased the most over the past year? Géraldine Houdayer and Théo Uhart take stock.

3:24 p.m.: “I think that Vladimir Kara-Murza is being persecuted for political reasons. I would like to express my support for him and his family members. I am very concerned about his health.”

Opponent Alexei Navalny, himself imprisoned in Russia, described Vladimir Kara-Murza’s conviction as “illegal, unscrupulous and simply fascist”.

2:22 p.m.: “We reiterate our call for the release of Vladimir Kara-Mourza and the more than 400 political prisoners in Russia.”

Washington has ruled that the sentencing of Russian opponent Vladimir Kara-Mourza was a victim of “intensified campaigns of repression”.

1:46 p.m .: Due to logistical problems, grain stocks from Ukraine are piling up on Polish soil, causing prices to drop. Warsaw has therefore decided to close the door on Ukrainian grain until June 30, and Hungary has made the same decision. We explain everything to you in this article.

1:46 p.m.: “It is important to emphasize that trade policy falls under the exclusive competence of the EU and that unilateral measures are not acceptable.”

The European Commission is reacting to Poland and Hungary’s decision to ban imports of Ukrainian grain. Both countries accuse these exchanges of destabilizing agricultural markets.

12.42 p.m .: It is the UN’s turn to plead for the “immediate” release of Russian opponent Vladimir Kara-Mourza, who has been sentenced to 25 years in prison. “No one should be deprived of their freedom for exercising their human rights,” said UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk.

12:16 p.m .: “Like many others, this judgment aims to deter, exclude and prevent any critical voice.”

The same applies to Berlin, which denounces the sentencing of Wladimir Kara-Mourza “with the greatest determination” and calls for his release.

12:12 p.m .: Western countries are reacting to the sentence of Russian opponent Vladimir Kara-Mourza to 25 years in prison. London demands his “immediate release” and announces the summons of the Russian ambassador.

09:42: “Since the beginning of the conflict, 180,000 Ukrainians have traveled through France,” according to the French Office for Immigration and Integration. On franceinfo, the director estimates that between “100,000 and 110,000” Ukrainians live in France.

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09:21: Lydia Odegova has been heartbroken for almost a year. His son, a Ukrainian fighter, was captured in Mariupol and transferred to Russia. Like her, thousands of Ukrainians are awaiting news from their relatives imprisoned in the neighboring country. With Fabien Magnenou and Mathieu Dreujou, in Mykolaïv, we met these mothers or wives of soldiers who share their doubts and their hopes.

DIRECT War in Ukraine The EU judges quotunacceptablequot the blocking


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