Disastrous date He orders takeout and runs away without paying

Disastrous date: He orders takeout and runs away without paying

A blind date turned into a nightmare for a young woman who quickly became disillusioned when her charming prince allegedly ordered lots of takeout before fleeing, leaving a hefty bill in the process.

When she arrived for her date at an “upscale” restaurant that day, the man she was supposed to meet had already had time to order a selection of dishes, claiming it was for his flatmates, The Mirror reported on Friday .

The charlatan then hinted that he had to take the dishes to his friends, but he would be back soon, the young woman told a Quora forum dedicated to failed appointments.

“He never came back. After 30 minutes I freaked out a bit. The waitress came over and asked me if everything was ok. I told her I wasn’t really sure […] I felt like he wasn’t coming back since he stopped responding to my messages,” she said.

Apparently the man didn’t pay before departure, the waitress would have confirmed.

Fortunately, the tide turned quickly for the young woman who, thanks to the compassion of the waitress and her manager, was offered her meal by the restaurant along with a bottle of wine and dessert.

“I wanted to cry. She said nobody deserved to be treated like that. I’m so grateful for her. I left him a nice tip. I never saw the guy again. Let’s hope karma catches up with him” , she concluded.