1655726007 Disney Adds Special Category for New Spider Man Cinemascomicscom

Disney+ Adds Special Category for ‘New’ Spider Man Cinemascomics.com

Marvel MoviesMarvel SeriesThe Spider-Man movies on Disney+

Image edited by @DisneyPlusInfo

The Arachnid return to Disney+ comes with a special category. Now Spider-Man sleeps in a bachelor pad and in good company.

As we reported on our website a few days ago, the films are from Spiderman and its offshoots were included in the catalog of Disney+. The streaming platform initially added five of the films Spiderman produced by SonyPicturesEntertainment. This includes the first two parts of the trilogy of Toby Maguire directed by sam raimithe two volumes of the saga of The Incredible Spiderman and the first part of the adventures of Peter Parker from Tom Holland in Marvel Studios. These films are now available to stream in UK, Canada and other countries.

However, Spider-Man’s arrival at Disney+ has come under special conditions. In the end it’s understandable. We’re talking about the most important, popular, and beloved superhero in Marvel history.. It deserves a different status. therefore, the house of the mouse created the Spider-Verse category in his own catalogue. In the Spider-Verse category you will find these five films and all the spider animated series from the 1980s and 1990s Marvel Cinematic Universe that were already there were picked up as well, as were a few spin-off shows, like the Spider-Woman series.

The Spider-Man category on Disney+

Capture of the streaming platform

What do you think of this Spider-Man category on Disney+?

There’s still a long way to go…

While Disney+ may not have access to everything Spider-Man may feature on its streaming platform in every country, the collection of Spider-Man-based tickets is constantly growing. Each update offers new details and improves the ability of Haus der Maus to obtain international distribution rights and thus be able to host and merge all of the content net head in the same room. That’s a great start!
