Dispute between Oriana Marzoli and Nicole Murgia The VIPs face

Dispute between Oriana Marzoli and Nicole Murgia: The VIPs face off Big Brother VIP | GFVIP 7 Big Brother

The fight in between Oriana and Nicole has given rise to comments and reflections from the various tenants of the house.

The actress finds comfort in it Anthony, who had a disagreement with the Venezuelan over their acquaintance that ended badly. The boy has little regard for Oriana, whom he finds superficial and watching TV. According to him, they experience a situation that causes them to amplify any emotion, which is why they have unusual reactions. They think this is their world, but the reality is very different.

“Here is a woman who hurts another woman,” comments Nicole, inspired by the hatred she feels for Oriana, who is guilty of not having kissed her with Daniele.

Likewise Attilius and Tavassi You contribute to the conversation. VIPs have two completely different views on this topic.

The journalist changed his mind about Oriana. At first he thought it was superficial, but he got to know her and discovered a world within her. She is a very determined girl who gets what she wants. She has no qualms: she would do anything to achieve her goals. Once you understand its nature, you must accept it for what it is.

Tavassi, on the other hand, thinks the Venezuelan is wrong. Sincerity and honesty are essential qualities for a healthy relationship. The fact that Oriana didn’t care about Nicole’s feelings makes him question her personality. The VIP wonders how far one can trust a person who can’t even be loyal to a girl he considers a friend. Now he’ll think twice before confiding in her.

Likewise Milena, who heard Oriana’s bell, wants to give her a chance to speak. It is now clear that the Venezuelan is a provocative and playful girl who loves to flirt.

At the same time, he thinks Nicole is a structured woman who can recognize interest. If she believed that something could happen to Daniele, it was because he also gave her reason to believe so.

Nicole explains that she wasn’t hurt by the boy’s refusal, but by Oriana’s ambiguity. Nothing concrete ever happened to Daniele, they only talked about their respective lives.

In short, the house is once again divided in two: there are those who defend Oriana’s light-heartedness and those who defend Nicole’s loyalty. But only the two girls will be able to end any discussion, clarify each other and forgive once and for all.