Dispute over Ukraine Russian population goes crazy lots of murders

Dispute over Ukraine Russian population goes crazy lots of murders! | krone.at

A horrific act that took place in the city of Orenburg, in southern Russia, is no less scandalous. Farm employee Anton R. asked a friend to help him fix his car. Once the work was finished, they enjoyed “a few bottles of vodka”, according to the materials available to “Mediazona” and “Nowaja kladka”. A few hours later, the heavily drinking Russians began philosophizing about the war in Ukraine. “Every man has to defend his country”, the man who worked on the farm wanted to tell his friend. However, he only spoke very badly about Russia and Russians. Anton R. lost his temper. He hit his friend so hard that it was no longer possible to determine “where the blood was flowing from”. At some point, it is said, he realized that the victim was no longer resisting, but was only panting miserably. He felt sorry and asked for help. Before emergency services arrived, however, he reportedly quickly recorded a video of his half-dead friend covered in blood. “This will happen to anyone who doesn’t share my views,” threatened Anton R. The friend died a short time later in hospital from serious injuries.