Disrespectful Eugenio Derbez attacks Blanca Guerra

“Disrespectful”: Eugenio Derbez attacks Blanca Guerra

The actress has already sent a forceful reply to the comedian, who has accused her of turning down her film “No Refunds Accepted.”

Because the cassette “CODA” won the Oscar for the best picture; Eugenio Derbez everyone is talking about who was part of the cast. This time, however, he’s caught the attention of the media, not because of his talent, but because of a daring remark he made about a Mexican actress.

It’s about the respected actress white warwhom Derbez accused of disrespect and went further by implying that he was a distraction from his work.

In an interview granted to Eugenio Gustavo Adolfo Infante; recalled Blanca’s attitude when inviting her to a private screening of her film “No refund”.

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Blanca Guerra and Eugenio DerbezIllustrative and non-commercial image / https://www.instagram.com/p/BiaZy5AglCJ/

“Not only did she disqualify her (the film), but I invited her to a private screening and she was very disrespectful. I remember sitting behind her in the dark and watching her and her reaction,” Derbez said.

He also pointed out that “I was dating another person academyi don’t know who she was and in that moment when all of us who saw this movie cried… in that moment i wanted to see her reaction, i see her along with the guy who’s next it was her turn, bursts out laughing at her and when you comment you can tell they’re making fun of it.”

Faced with such an accusation, Guerra decided to broadcast a strong response to Derbes. He did it through the same room where the producer of “La familia P. Luche” posted the accusatory comments.

“In no way have I been rude to anyone, I haven’t been rude to anyone, and if Eugenio feels like he’s wrong, I don’t know why he’s telling the truth,” Guerra said.

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The Iron Soul actress explained: “He didn’t invite me, he didn’t invite me, he invited the Mexican Film Academy Coordinating Committee, not me. And it was Mónica Lozano, the producer, who extended the invitation… and at the end of the film, I just told her that her film was going to be very successful with audiences, that it was going to be a blockbuster that happened.”

Blanca assured that the only thing she did was make clear “Eugenio’s good intentions to host a fundraising function for the Academy,” but that wouldn’t help him buy influences.

“We were able to clarify that not because these functions were performed to raise funds and direct them to the Academy … I told him not to misunderstand that the Ariel Prize or the Academy’s consideration was not a.” Exchange is currency. That not, by offering his support to the Academy, he would have a favorable position for the film at the time of voting if he registered it to win the award in front of the Academy,” said the Mexican actress.