While the Chron yesterday interviewed a doctor about the Princess's health Kate Middletonwho was hospitalized for unspecified “abdominal surgery,” had suspected this hysterectomyToday in the English newspapers there is talk of another possible pathology, i.e diverticulum, which could be consistent with the little information we have so far, namely the abdominal surgery, the hospital stay and the long recovery period at least until Easter.
What is acute diverticulitis?
Diverticula are small protrusions that form at the level of the intestinal wall in the distal section of the colon, the sigmoid colon, primarily for anatomical reasons, and can lead to inflammation if they become inflamed acute diverticulitis. The main cause of their development before the age of 40 is a diet low in fiber. From this age onwards they occur more frequently, so that the incidence in the population between the ages of 70 and 80 is 70–80%.
Since diverticulosis is not a disease, in most cases it does not require surgical treatment, just an appropriate diet, which must be followed conscientiously. However, there are cases when the diverticula become inflamed and the following symptoms appear:
• severe abdominal pain, generally located in the left quadrant of the abdomen;
• changes in the intestines;
• Fever.
It will be like this acute diverticulitis (This could be the case with Princess Kate), which requires immediate medical intervention as this condition can worsen and lead to microperforations or intestinal perforations, which may require emergency surgery.
How it works
The operation consists of removing the affected section of the intestine and creating an anastomosis (suture) between the upstream and downstream sections of the intestine, i.e. in the upper and lower parts. In cases where the intestine is particularly inflamed or there is significant contamination of the peritoneum, it may be necessary to temporarily create an enterocutaneous stoma, i.e. 8-12 weeks.
Once the patient is feeling better, the colostomy is “closed” and the ends of the colon separated during the previous laparoscopic operation are connected to 4 small incisions in the skin through which the surgical instruments and a small camera are inserted. In this case, postoperative recovery can be faster.
The opinion of the gastroenterologist
“The diverticula can also be very numerous and present throughout the entire colon,” he explains Maurizio Vecchi, full professor of gastroenterology at the State University of Milan, interviewed by Adnkronos Salute – however, they are more commonly found in the sigmoid colon, on the left in the lower part of the intestine. In general, they can last a lifetime without causing a problem at all: the patient realizes they have them by having an examination for other reasons, perhaps a CT scan to see other things, or a colonoscopy for Check-up.”
But when is an intervention necessary?
“In most cases, the patient is admitted to hospital, given antibiotics, put on a diet and given fluids via vein without any intervention. In a small percentage of cases, the need for surgery is associated with the fact that therapy with antibiotics and … Such precautions are not enough, the inflammation spreads and therefore it is necessary to start resection of the section of the colon containing the inflamed diverticula has to intervene, or maybe even a little more, and then everything is connected again.”
What are the recovery times?
“They depend on what the patient is like and in what condition he arrives at the hospital. The surgical therapy takes 2-3 hours, but it depends on whether it is carried out laparoscopically – i.e. less invasively – or laparotomy, i.e. opening the abdominal cavity.” If the diverticulitis is acute and there is severe inflammation, it is often in Performed in the form of a laparotomy. So that means shorter surgery times but longer recovery times. The operation is usually urgent. However, it can also be done electively. It is planned that he has already had many bouts of diverticulitis. If he has inflammation every 3 months, he takes the antibiotic, the inflammation goes away, then it keeps happening, then an operation is planned.”