1649128753 DK Metcalf pushes back on trade talks

DK Metcalf pushes back on trade talks

Seattle Seahawks vs. Green Bay Packers

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Since the Seahawks previously said they had “no intention” of trading quarterback Russell Wilson before trading him, and more recently the Seahawks used the I-word in reference to receiver DK Metcalf, there is a lot of chatter and speculation that he could be traded.

Metcalf pushed back on the conversation this morning and said he hadn’t heard about a potential deal.

Just because he heard something doesn’t mean nothing happened. While Metcalf may not feel like moving to a potential new team, anyone who trades for him will presumably be willing to pay him on the way through the door. That would tend to quickly change a man’s mind about a new team.

The Jets continue to make a lot of sense. You have the design capital; One of their first-round picks previously belonged to the Seahawks. The Jets also attempted a trade for former Chiefs receiver Tyreek Hill. And the Jets have a young, heavily armed quarterback in Zach Wilson who could keep getting the ball to Metcalf.

On top of that, Metcalf’s superhero physique and demeanor could make him a star in New York.

One thing we’ve learned over the past few weeks is that anything can happen. And many things will. If the Seahawks were willing to trade Wilson, they will trade anyone – including Metcalf – at the right price.