Do you know who Anthony Delon is Age career biography

Do you know who Anthony Delon is? Age, career, biography, father Alain, wife, children as guests at Verissimo

Today the son of the great actor Alain will be a real guest and give us a wonderful interview full of exciting anecdotes. Silvia Toffanin is certainly very exciting to have such a character in the studio.

Anthony Delon is the second child of actor Alain Delon and the only one he had with actress Nathalie Delon. He’s also the only one who’s committed to acting. In 1968, when he was 4 years old, his parents separated. His father rebuilds his life with Mireille Darc; while he lives with his mother and is mainly looked after by his godfather (the arts agent Georges Beaume, who founded his father) and godmother, as his mother devotes herself entirely to her acting career.

He had a somewhat rebellious childhood and youth, which is why by the age of 10 his parents sent him to a boarding school, which turned out to be nice but “a bit military”, with a fairly strict discipline. He stays there for two years until he decides to flee and walk 30 kilometers back to Paris. There he is educated at St Benoit Street, a public school in Saint Germain des Prés.

Early Adulthood

Anthony spent a season in London for Island Records, specifically six months; then he settled in Nigeria, where he hoped to make a documentary about Fela Kuti, an emblematic singer and opponent of the regime’s military dictatorship. In February 1983, at the age of 18, Anthony was arrested for possessing an automatic pistol belonging to current public enemy Bruno Sulak, stolen from the gendarmes. he was also behind the wheel of a stolen BMW.

After a short time in prison, he will begin to leave his dark period behind in order to gradually reform his life.

Artistic career and film debut

Escaping the pressure of the populace, Anthony travels to New York where he will live in an apartment (directly above the apartment occupied by James Dean) for a few months. Discover a city that fascinates you. There he will meet Andy Warhol, Diane Von Furstenberg and Brooke Shields with whom he will do a Bruce Weber photoshoot for Life Magazine. He feels comfortable and wants to settle there, but an Italian stage designer, Alberto Lattuada, shows up and offers him to go to the cinema, so he accepts and goes to Rome.

Under Lattuada’s direction, he will direct an adaptation of the novel Chronicles of a Death Foretold, directed by Francesco Rosi, which will take him to Cannes, where he will be present on the arm of Ornella Muti. The film was a hit in Latin America and throughout Eastern Europe, but not in France. Anthony’s reviews are great but the comparison to his father Alain Delon is too strong as he has been a huge star for decades.

He lived with actress Valérie Kaprisky. He married Sophie Clerico on June 27, 2006, by whom he had two daughters: Lou Delon (born February 4, 1996); Liv Delon (born August 25, 2001). They separated in 2012. Anthony Delon also admitted to having another biological daughter, model Alyson Le Borges, from a relationship with a dancer, Marie-Hélène Le Borges.