Do you know who Umberto Balsamo is Age wife children

Do you know who Umberto Balsamo is? Age, wife, children, illness and personal life Counter Cover Counter Cover

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Do you know who Umberto Balsamo is Age wife children

Umberto Balsamo rose to fame as an Italian composer and songwriter in the 1960s. Let’s find out everything about him. Let’s read inside!

Let’s get to know Umberto Balsamo better

Umberto Balsamo began his career in the early 1960s when he decided to pursue his ambition of becoming a professional musician. He moves to Milan, where he collaborates with the Sicilian-born poet Luciano Beretta. Their partnership resulted in important songs for singers such as Orietta Berti and Iva Zanicchi.

There is no information on whether Balsamo is married or has a partner, but we do know that he had five children in his lifetime. Search engines associate illness with our artist Umberto Balsamo. Fortunately, there is no essential information on this. In 1979, Umberto Balsamo wowed the general public with Balla, a song with the rhythm of a tarantella and a refrain sung by millions of people.

I undo the pigtails and the horses run and your graceful legs dance

Another hit, The Blue Angel, was written by Balsamo and Cristiano Malgioglio. As Mina had previously rejected the song, Umberto Balsamo recorded it himself and made it his first success. The current whereabouts of Umberto Balsamo is unknown therefore we cannot tell you where he lives. The value of its musical and cultural heritage is immense for the Italian music scene.