It’s paradoxical: Even in 2023, comedian Yvon Deschamps will continue to be named as a role model.
However, the era has never been as small as “Yvon Deschamps”.
The provocation, the second degree, the fact of playing a character who says the opposite of what we think, in short everything that characterized Deschamps is now outdated, denounced, denounced and misunderstood.
In 2023 we live in an anti-Deschamps era!
Why do comedians keep claiming him?
On the pages of the journal, comedian Laurent Paquin (whom I adore) was interviewed a few days ago by my colleague Cédric Bélanger.
When asked “Which comedian inspires you the most and why?” Paquin replied, “Yvon Deschamps is still the role model to follow.” I think I was very influenced by him. It’s a bit like the ideal to achieve. The trap would be wanting to make Deschamps. Only Yvon does Deschamps, but we can draw inspiration from his integrity, his kindness and his sense of provocation.”
And I’m sure the vast majority of comedians on stage today would say the same.
However, the Deschamps trademark is at odds with the values of the time.
In 2019, Guy Nantel made a Vox pop asking the public, “Do comedians go too far?”
Nantel tricked the contestants by reading them jokes that he attributed to Mike Ward, Jean-François Mercier or Mariana Mazza, while these were jokes written and performed on stage by Yvon Deschamps in the 70s and 80s. Result: People were shocked, offended and called the gags “racist”, “anti-Semitic”, “unacceptable”, “cheap”, “unsightly”.
“Current comedians should take Yvon Deschamps as their role model,” people replied. And when they found out that the gags in question came from Yvon Deschamps, they couldn’t believe it.
“If Yvon Deschamps was the greatest monument in our history of humor, it’s because he was then able to push the boundaries of humor,” said Guy Nantel in his Vox-Pop.
Here’s one of the Yvon Deschamps gags that Nantel read to the prisoners:
“The doctor told me that my daughter was mentally disturbed. I said to my daughter: “Listen to me fat man, dad knows you are ugly and fat. But you should be happy. Dressed like you, you can’t be any worse. You can just get better.
When Deschamps made this joke, the people in the room understood the second degree. In 2019 and even worse in 2023, people have lost the sense of the second degree.
And it’s not just the viewers, it’s the critics too! Remember the Le Devoir critic earlier this year who didn’t understand it was second degree when Guy Nantel said we should get rid of the old folks. Le Devoir accused Nantel of ageism, damn it!
This summer, the whole world of humor gathered around Yvon Deschamps during the ultimate Just for Laughs gala. However, Guy Nantel was absent.
However, if there’s a comedian to play Deschamps in 2023, it’s him!
It’s great to praise Deschamps. But the best way to pay homage to him would be to give more space to the “Deschamps method” in our humor.