Does South Africa have close ties to Hamas as Israel

Does South Africa have close ties to Hamas, as Israel claims? Liberation


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The war between Hamas and IsraelDossierWhile South Africa accused Israel of “genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza” at the International Court of Justice, the Jewish state countered by denouncing its proximity to Pretoria with Hamas.

South Africa “acts as the legal wing of Hamas.” The accusation comes from the spokesman for the Israeli Foreign Ministry. It is about the initiation of proceedings against Israel by the Republic of South Africa before the International Court of Justice in The Hague (ICJ), the most important judicial body of the United Nations. In particular, South Africa accuses the Jewish state of failing to comply with the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, to which the two states are signatories, as CheckNews explains.

In its pleas before the International Court of Justice, but also in official press releases and through the press, Israel strongly condemned this “absurd defamation”. And attacks Pretoria directly: “The State of Israel categorically condemns South Africa’s decision to play devil’s advocate and join forces with the perpetrators of the massacre on October 7th, as Israeli government spokesman Eylon did, for example, during a press conference explained.” Raise. By politically and legally covering the October 7 massacre and Hamas's human shield strategy, South Africa is criminally complicit in the genocidal campaign launched by Hamas.