Dog breeds hidden in the crossword

Dog breeds hidden in the crossword?

crossword It’s a hobby to figure out what words are arranged in squares found from the given hints. Therefore, in today’s article we will provide an example of a crossword puzzle with the theme of dog breeds, so that you can work on your argument in a different way. playful. Ready for this challenge? Much luck!

Read more: Which tools are hidden in the word search?

What breeds of dogs are hidden in the crossword?

The goal of this game is to find 6 dog breeds among some random letters. Races are arranged both vertically and horizontally.

Now check out some tips that will help you figure out which breeds you should find on the grid and in what sense:


1 It is a breed of companion dogs whose main characteristics are its “squashed face” and pricked ears. This breed originated in France and its main coat colors are: caramel and its variations, white with spots or brindle, black with spots or brindle or all black.

2 This breed is characterized by its black and white spotted coat. It is a dog native to Eastern Europe, from the Dalmatia region and was widely used for bird hunting in the Middle Ages.

4 This breed originated in Germany and is characterized by being a large and muscular dog, docile and tolerant. In addition, he is also characterized by his wrinkled face.

6 This breed is characterized by its long and hanging ears and its white and brown or black coat with a white tip of the tail. One of the most playful breeds and great gun dogs, they hail from the UK.


3 This breed is the smallest variant of the German Spitz breed and originates from Pomerania. It is a dog that is characterized by being very docile, playful and protective.

5 They are known for being the most docile, sociable and intelligent breed of all. Its coat is unique in color black, yellow, or chocolate with no spots. They are also very agile and active.

These tips will help you know which words to look for in word search and help you find their position. Now try the word search and try to find it:

chase words.

So did you manage to find the hidden dog breeds? If so, congratulations! However, if you haven’t managed to do this yet, now check which words are hidden and then where they are in the word search.

Vertical Dog Breeds Answer:

1 Race number one: French bulldog;
2 Race number two: Dalmatians;
4 Race number four: boxers;
6 Race number six: Beagle.

Response from dog breeds horizontal:

3 Race number three: Pomeranian Lulu;
5 Race number five: Labrador.