1648756903 Dominican Republic enacts new regulations for Cuban travelers in transit

Dominican Republic enacts new regulations for Cuban travelers in transit or transhipment

Dominican Republic

New immigration regulations for Cuban travelers in transit or transshipment in the Dominican Republic were announced this Thursday by Resolution 06-2022, approved by that Caribbean nation’s Directorate-General for Migration.

The document, signed by Enrique García, that nation’s director general for migration, stipulates that citizens of Cuban nationality transiting or transshipping the country must have residency or citizenship of the country of destination.

You can also have multiple visas from the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, European Union countries, Schengen Area member states and the Dominican Republic.

This measure follows the trend of those used by other nations in the region and recently condemned by Cuba for responding to pressure from the US government.

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla tweeted, condemning the United States’ pressure on several governments to require visas from Cubans “in a cynical attempt to shut the doors to the emigration that has stimulated them for decades.”

The 07-2022 norm was also recently announced by the Dominican body, which will allow Cubans residing in the United States with expired passports (no older than 18 months) to enter that nation as tourists.

According to Prensa Latina’s communication in this regard, there is still no clarity as to when the new decisions will apply.