Donald Trump could deport Prince Harry if he becomes president

Donald Trump could deport Prince Harry if he becomes president again

Donald Trump could expel Prince Harry from the United States if he becomes president again after the election next November.

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The fiery Republican candidate made it clear in an interview with Britain's Daily Express this weekend that he doesn't particularly like the Duke of Sussex and husband of American actress Meghan Markle.

The celebrity couple has been living in the United States since Harry gave up his royal title and duties. He left London and his family, which was then ruled by Queen Elizabeth II. Harry's father, Prince Charles, is now King Charles III.

Trump said Harry's immigration status could come under scrutiny if he regains the keys to the White House.

“I won't protect him. He betrayed the queen. This is unforgivable. He would be alone if I had my way,” Trump said.

Regarding the administration of his rival Joe Biden, who is running for re-election under the Democratic banner, Trump said: “I think they were too kind to him after what he did.”

You should know that Prince Harry is indirectly involved in a dispute with the Department of Homeland Security, which is the subject of a lawsuit by a watchdog group. He wants to obtain documents regarding Harry's immigration papers when he applies for a visa.

Prince Harry is not yet an American citizen. As TMZ recalls, he admitted in his memoir last year that he had used a number of drugs before entering the United States. The watchdog group says this is a clear admission that violates Harry's entry protocol. He demands that the agency provide the documents to prove this, but Homeland Security denies that request, citing the privacy rights of the late Princess Diana's son.