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Donald Trump is the target of the inquest into the attack on the Capitol

Former US President Donald Trump announced Tuesday that he had received a letter from prosecutors telling him he was a personal target in the federal investigation into the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol in Washington.

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“Jack Smith, Joe Biden’s lunatic DOJ, has sent a letter…stating that I am the TARGET of the January 6 grand jury investigation,” he wrote on his Truth social network.

The big frontrunner in the 2024 Republican primary says he’s been given “four tiny days” to report to the grand jury, a randomly selected group of citizens with sweeping investigative powers. Donald Trump assures that this procedure “almost always” leads to an indictment.

Donald Trump is the target of the inquest into the attack on the Capitol

Photo: AFP

In his text, the former President describes these investigations as a “witch hunt”.

Mr Trump is already indicted in another federal investigation alleging that he refused to return documents he allegedly kept when he left the White House, despite court orders.

He pleaded not guilty to the charges against him in mid-June and faces a historic and potentially very damaging trial for his 2024 US presidential campaign.

The Republican billionaire was also indicted by the New York state judiciary on multiple counts of accounting fraud related to a payment made before the 2016 presidential election aimed at silencing an actress from X movies.

A Georgia prosecutor also has until September to release the outcome of her investigation into the pressure he applied to change the outcome of that southern state’s 2020 presidential election.