Donald Trump launches shoe line

Former US President Donald Trump presented his new shoe collection at the “Sneaker Con” in Philadelphia on Saturday.

• Also read: A crowdfunding campaign for Donald Trump

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When the American presidential candidate attended this meeting of collectors' shoes lovers, he surprised more than one with this announcement.

The pair of gold-colored shoes sells for $399, which is over $538 Canadian.

Donald Trump claimed that this shoe was a dream for him, while the organization behind the website that sells the shoes assured that there was no connection with the American billionaire's presidential campaign.

“You know, I've wanted to do this for a long time. I have great people working on projects with me who came up with this idea. I've been talking about this for 12, 13 years. I think it will be a great success. This is the real deal! This is the real deal!” he sang to the crowd.

Donald Trump launches shoe line


This launch comes less than 48 hours after the main party was fined 479 million Canadian dollars for financial fraud in his real estate empire in New York state.