Donald Trump says Rishi Sunak was smart in watering down

Donald Trump says Rishi Sunak was ‘smart’ in watering down key climate promises – Sky News

The former US president says the prime minister’s decision showed he would not “destroy and bankrupt his country for fake climate alarmists who have no idea”.

Sunday, September 24, 2023, 4:54 a.m., United Kingdom

Donald Trump has described Rishi Sunak’s U-turn on a range of net zero measures as “smart” and insisted the climate crisis is a “green new hoax”.

It comes days after the Prime Minister confirmed this delay a ban on the sale of new diesel and petrol cars by five years and weakened the targets for phasing out gas boilers.

The former US president posted on his own social media platform Truth Social: “British Prime Minister Sunak has significantly rolled back the ridiculous ‘climate mandates’ that the United States is forcing on everyone, especially himself.”

“I always knew that Sunak was smart and that he would not destroy and bankrupt his nation over a fake climate Alarmists who have no idea.

Read more:
Sunak’s popularity is at its lowest ever after the net zero emissions announcement
Prime Minister is reportedly considering a cigarette ban for the next generation

“In the meantime, the U.S. rolls along merrily, spending trillions of dollars doing what can’t be done, while breathing in the dirty and completely untreated air that emanates from China, India, Russia, and China above our once so.” big country floats. and parts unknown.

“They all build coal-fired power plants by the hundreds every year, and Germany, which almost destroyed itself with its ridiculous form of Green New Hoax, just joined in.”

“Congratulations to Prime Minister Sunak for catching this fraud before it was too late! The green new hoax will destroy the US, perhaps even sooner than our open border of death. IT MUST BE STOP. MAGA!!!”

Net Zero: Sunak lowers ambitions

Mr Sunak stressed he remained committed to achieving this Net zero by 2050, but the transition could be “fairer and better”.

“Our destiny can be determined by ourselves,” Mr Sunak said – urging politicians to be “honest” about the costs of green policies for families.

However, shadow net zero secretary Ed Milliband said the Prime Minister “doesn’t care” about climate change.

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Speaking at Labour’s sister Co-operative Party’s online conference, the former leader added: “I think Rishi Sunak simply sees the climate crisis as a liability to be dealt with rather than an opportunity to be seized, and we see that “they will be confiscated as an opportunity to do so.”