Doublefaced Macron made in Russia but talks about a ration

Doublefaced Macron: made in Russia but talks about a ration card. Maybe for Italy?

Emmanuel Macron was certainly one of the European leaders more adept at navigating the RussoUkrainian chaos: compared to a Draghi now succumbing to belligerent mania, the French president could use the carrot and stick wisely never interrupt direct dialogue with Putin. And it doesn’t stop production in Russia either.

The French government has now given the carmaker Renault the green light to continue to produce the Renault Lada in Russia. Let us remember that the French state, warlike in words, is a 15.01 percent shareholder of the car manufacturer. Losanga Group is also the majority shareholder of Avtovaz and ended 2021, a difficult year for everyone. with positive results. Paris therefore opts for a pragmatic view: the economy first. And Renault isn’t the only French company not to leave Russia with Macron’s approval: too Auchan, Total and Leroy Merlin stay in Putin’s country: Leroy Merlin is even considering expansion.

On the other hand, while continuing to do business with Russia as if nothing happened, Macron is considering printing ration cards for the poor. This is mainly due to the warrelated price increase, which we also see in Italy. Naturally, Macron is also thinking about the reelection campaignand we know it’s not very popular (just think of the Yellow Vests phenomenon), but there’s also a play on the double entender: on the one hand, it carries on doing business as if there were no war, on the other, it prints ration cards as the country would be besieged.

Away from all ambiguities, Macron seems almost a giant compared to Dragons, who will do anything to provoke the Russian bear without playing under the table like the French, between arms deliveries, frozen assets and semideclarations of war. And instead of thinking of something that might help the less fortunate dragons, start talking rationing. Is Macron initiating the rollout of ration cards, which he won’t do as has been the case with various vaccination commitments? At this point maybe, since we are actually a French colony Macron could print 60 million cards for us Italians.

However, the screenplay of Libya is repeated and, thanks to the collaboration of the Italian ruling class, crosses from Italian to French. France continues to do business, Italy allows itself to be dragged into a war by Draghi that is not ours and that will finally pulverize the Italian economy. AND the Italian gaps are filled by the Frenchwho probably gave the puppet banker in Brussels specific orders.


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