1672005147 quotdoubtfulquot every third body lotion failed the test

"doubtful" every third body lotion failed the test

Body lotions are particularly popular in winter. When buying, however, caution is advised, as a Labor Chamber test has now shown.

Biting cold, more heated air: especially in the cold months, the skin tends to dry out. Many then turn to care products to lighten the skin.

Consumer Advocates from AK Upper Austria examined 35 products – lotion, milk, balm and cream. The focus was on cosmetics for dry or labeled “rich” skin. More expensive lotions scented with branded fragrances were also tested, as they are often bought as gifts.

The results: Of a total of 13 natural cosmetic products, eleven were classified as “very good” and two as “good”. Good to know for sparkling wines: Of the cheapest products, six received the best overall score and two the second best score.

The AK cites two examples: In Austrian retail, “Alverde Cremeöl-Lotion Bio-Arganöl, Bio-Almond” is available at dm for 2.75 euros for 200 milliliters. The same amount of “Terra Naturi Rich Care Body Milk” at Müller comes to 2.25 euros.

Ten times – that is, for almost a third of all products – consumer information had to give the judgment “poor” or “unsatisfactory”.

There have been devaluations due to questionable or controversial ingredients such as petroleum-based paraffins. Exciting detail: At the end of the test field you will find cheap and expensive products.

questionable results

In one product, the lab found 15 percent petroleum-based paraffins🇧🇷

In addition, aromatic mineral oil hydrocarbons (MOAH) were found in it, which also carcinogenic compounds to belong.

Testers also list: PEG/PEG derivatives that damage the skin more permeable to foreigners and pollutants can.

Also worrisome: the antioxidant hydroxyl butyl toluene (BHT), which is suspected as an environmental hormone Act.

Also guaranteed: Clorpehesin, an organic halogen compound that can lead to skin irritation🇧🇷

Three products by Calvin Klein, Jil Sander and Jean Paul Gaultier contained the musky scent Galaxolide, two the synthetic fragrance Cashmeran. Both compounds accumulate in human adipose tissue. Galoxolide is also suspected of affecting the hormonal system.

For lotions with designer fragrances, up to 40 euros have to be forked out for 200 milliliters.

The AK explains how to best treat dry skin in winter:

1 return fats

Especially in winter, hot, dry air and hot showers take a toll on the skin. The lotions then return lipids, i.e. fats and moisture.

2Apply the lotion immediately

You must apply lotion immediately after showering. When wet, the skin absorbs care products better.

3Mix the oil

A tip if the lotion doesn’t offer enough fat: just mix a drop of body oil in your hand.

All test result was published by the Chamber of Labor in Upper Austria on the Internet.

Huge price differences

Only recently did AK discover huge price differences in pharmacy items: the same product costs up to 121% more in Austria than in Germany.

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