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Download Imgix for web – – 01net

Automate your media optimization with Imgix. A real-time image and video processing service that enables web professionals to ensure high quality performance and visual representations. Your data transfers will be radically reduced and your media will load three times faster. Developed entirely as a SaaS solution, it is therefore not possible to download Imgix, but you can of course access it from any web browser, no matter where you are in the world.

Description by Imgix

Easy to install and quick to deploy, Imgix brings together all the best practices for responsive images in a single line of code. This means you no longer have to manage multiple variations of your images or videos. With Imgix, only the original high definition file is required. All optimization steps are automated. Your end users never see your original image or video. Instead, the software is responsible for delivering, from a user-facing CDN, an image that is perfectly compressed, sized, intelligently cropped and adapted to the context of each Internet user.

Image optimization

With a wide variety of devices, screen sizes and pixel densities to support, image customization is extremely difficult. If you choose to use Imgix, you’ll benefit from on-demand image generation combined with a smart, unintrusive JavaScript library, all powered by a testable, straightforward URL-based API.

When optimizing your images, the platform automatically takes pixel density into account by determining the most appropriate image resolution every time. The images are then resized to the nearest pixel.

Please note that the compression of your images is optimal. To do this, the software uses the latest compression techniques to reduce bandwidth consumption while maintaining the quality of your images. Your visuals are in WebP format and are compatible with most web browsers.

When cropping, Imgix automatically detects the desired point in your image and crops it accordingly without any intervention from you. It determines how images are cropped as their aspect ratio changes from one display to another.

Finally, Imgix provides a fast, on-demand image processing API whose functionality is based on the image URL. This gives you all the transformations you need to quickly create customized variations of any image.

Do you also want to reduce the loading times of your websites while maintaining high visual quality? So don’t wait any longer and create an Imgix account now to join the hundreds of brands and marketplaces that already trust this software to optimize their images and videos.

The alternatives

If Imgix proves to be a simple and effective tool, know that there are many other solutions on the market to optimize your websites and increase your visibility. This also includes Cloudflare. As a simple and quick way to optimize, it offers a Content Delivery Network (CDN) service to maximize the performance of your websites and protect them. The CDN replicates statistical data from the websites you own across a global network to always be as close as possible to users, thus reducing file access times.

You can also choose Amazon CloudFront. This true content delivery web service integrates with other Amazon web services, providing developers and businesses an easy way to distribute content to end users with low latency, high data transfer speeds, and no commitment.