DR ELLIE CANNON Ive been told I have gallstones So

DR. ELLIE CANNON: I’ve been told I have gallstones. So why am I not being treated?

Last year I had an ultrasound of my abdomen which found gallstones. I was told that over the phone by a deputy who didn’t say much else. Do I have to do something about it? I’m male, 75 and not overweight.

Gallstones are small, hardened deposits that form in the gallbladder, a sac in the liver that stores the digestive juices called bile.

They’re usually made up of cholesterol, and eight out of ten people with gallstones will never know they have them because they don’t cause any symptoms.

If someone has gallstones without symptoms, there is no reason to treat them.

They usually appear in women who are over 40 years old, overweight and eating a diet high in fats and processed sugars.

Gallstones are small, hardened deposits that form in the gallbladder, a sac in the liver that stores the imaged digestive juice, bile

Gallstones are small, hardened deposits that form in the gallbladder, a sac in the liver that stores the imaged digestive juice, bile

Oddly enough, they can also occur in people who are rapidly losing weight drastically.

Gallstones cause problems when they get stuck in the opening of the gallbladder, causing excruciating pain known as biliary spasms.

They can also cause infection or inflammation in the gallbladder and also in the pancreas, a neighboring gland. Both can be very serious conditions and usually require hospital treatment.

If the stones do bother you, the gallbladder is surgically removed completely – usually using keyhole surgery.

When the gallbladder is removed, the liver still produces enough bile to break down fats in the diet, which is its primary function. But instead of being stored in the gallbladder, it continuously trickles into the digestive system.

Some people experience side effects such as bloating or diarrhea after surgery, but these usually improve within a few weeks.

Because bile is released in response to eating fatty foods, opting for a low-fat diet may help prevent biliary colic in some people.

I was recently diagnosed with something called peripheral neuropathy which is causing pain and tingling in my feet. A friend told me vitamin B supplements might help. Is she right?

Peripheral neuropathy develops due to nerve damage in the extremities of the body, such as the hands and feet. Diabetes is the most common cause, as high blood sugar levels damage nerves.

More from dr Ellie Cannon for The Mail on Sunday…

Other triggers are chemotherapy, a lack of vitamin B12 or folic acid, HIV medication and alcoholism.

Nerves can also be damaged by injuries, viral infections like shingles, and certain chronic inflammatory diseases like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

Symptoms can vary depending on which nerves are affected, including tingling, burning, numbness, or loss of feeling in the hands and feet. If motor nerves are affected, this leads to muscle weakness, cramps, twitching and even paralysis. Bladder control and erectile dysfunction can also be symptoms.

Doctors do a variety of blood tests to look for a cause of peripheral neuropathy, often along with nerve conduction studies. These are specialist examinations in the hospital to see which nerves are working and which are not.

Treatment always depends on the underlying cause — for example, improved diabetes treatment or physical therapy to repair nerve damage from an injury. Vitamin B12 would normally only be offered if a deficiency was confirmed by a blood test.

IS there an alkaline diet that can speed recovery when IBS strikes?

Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, typically causes symptoms such as stomach cramps, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation. These usually come and go over time and can last for days, weeks, or months at a time.

When someone has an IBS flare-up, it’s often related to a trigger. This can be a specific food, such as dairy, alcohol, caffeine, or fatty foods, but it can also be triggers outside of food, such as stress, anxiety, antibiotics, or an infection.

Do you have a question for Dr. ellie?

Email [email protected] or write to Health, The Mail on Sunday, 2 Derry Street, London, W8 5TT.

dr Ellie can only respond in general terms and cannot address individual cases or provide personal answers. If you have any health concerns, always consult your GP.

Official guidelines recommend a 12-week cycle of probiotics to replace any gut-friendly bacteria destroyed by an infection or food trigger.

You should speak to a pharmacist about this.

Dietary changes depend on which of the symptoms are more dominant.

For example, someone with diarrhea-dominant irritable bowel syndrome should reduce their intake of fiber, such as whole wheat or high-fiber breads, and also reduce carbonated beverages and gassy foods, such as certain vegetables.

On the other hand, someone with significant IBS constipation needs to gradually increase their fiber intake with soluble fiber such as Fybogel supplements or gradually add oats and flaxseed to their diet.

Individuals with IBS may be advised to follow a low-FODMAP diet. That means eliminating foods like artificial sweeteners, legumes, and certain green vegetables that ferment in the gut.

It is best to follow this diet under the supervision of a nutritionist. It can also be a useful process in identifying which foods are particularly bothersome and causing your flare-ups.

The flu is hard on young people, but time is the best healer

My practice is full of young adults who are sick with the flu and seem to have no idea how to take care of themselves.

The flu can be a serious illness for the elderly or infirm and others at risk – who should be vaccinated – but for those of us who are otherwise healthy the main treatment is looking after ourselves at home.

And that takes time – a flu attack can last a good ten days.

My practice is full of young adults who are sick with the flu and seem to have no idea how to take care of themselves

My practice is full of young adults who are sick with the flu and seem to have no idea how to take care of themselves

During this time you need to rest, drink plenty of fluids (no alcohol of course) and take acetaminophen or ibuprofen (not on an empty stomach – unless you want indigestion) for the pain.

GPs can’t prescribe anything for the flu, but pharmacists have great options for constipation, malaise, and fever.

Usually the main treatment is simply time.

Think outside the box of pills

I like to think I’m open-minded—with a healthy dose of skepticism—to the ability of alternative medicines to treat disease or relieve symptoms.

In general, they do not stand up to scientific scrutiny or have not been adequately studied. But when patients tell me something works for them and it’s harmless, I say go for it.

For that reason, I was intrigued when a friend told me that a gluten-free diet had apparently helped end her menopausal hot flashes in just four months.

She’s also lost her “menopausal belly” and is happy to have found a solution without having to resort to medication.

There’s no evidence that a gluten-free diet can alleviate menopause symptoms, but there may be something to it. Let me know if you’ve had success with anything out of the ordinary that made your menopause a little easier.