Draghi in Parliament We will continue to support Kyiv according

Draghi in Parliament: “We will continue to support Kyiv according to the mandate received”

by Marco Galluzzo

“It is up to all of us to see the rebirth of Ukraine,” the prime minister said in parliament

Arriving on time at the Senate, before entering, he diplomatically responds to the question of the day if he’s worried about the position the Five Stars will take: “Well, I don’t know, let’s see, let’s see…”. Surely Mario Draghi is not worried about the very clear words that he utters and that in a way try to silence the controversy of these hours. He does not say the word arms, addressed to Kyiv, but he does not need them: ” We will continue to support Kyiv according to the mandate that Parliament has given us.” In short, for the head of government, a different line from the mandate received from the House of Representatives and Senate, a line that indicates that it is perfectly in line with the goals of the European Union and the G7 is intertwined, not even to represent consideration.

The line cannot change, and it includes every kind of help to Ukrainians, from arms to taking in refugees, from economic support to defending Kiev’s rights in the EU: “This is the mandate we get from you ( and here Draghi seems to be speaking directly to the five stars, editor’s note), supporting Kyiv, seeking peace, overcoming the crisis, that is the guiding principle of our actions,” are the closing words of a dry speech, interrupted at least five times Applause from the House, which lasts about 30 minutes and features the broadcast word twice, at the beginning and at the end.

The mandate to which the prime minister is alluding is the one that lasts a year, is approved by parliament in the first days of the war, and empowers the executive to make decisions by decree about the delivery of military aid to Kyiv. A method that, according to Draghi, cannot be questioned, especially since today “the death toll is increasing, the number of civilians is more than 4000”, especially since the Russians “continue with the atrocities for which war crimes they are being investigated and punished” . , especially as during the recent visit to Kyiv I “saw the devastation and at the same time the determination of the Ukrainians to defend their country”.

In a half-hour intervention, the head of government sees no possible change in the relationship between Palazzo Chigi and Parliament, at least in the main modalities pursued so far. Supporting Ukraine in every way also means “proceeding with effective sanctions that will hit Russia’s GDP by over 8 percent this year, which will help Moscow sit at the negotiating table.” It also means that “only peace agreed and not suffered can be truly lasting, violent submission does not bring peace, but prolonging the conflict with other modalities and other submissions does”.

Helping Kyiv to defend itself is the logical consequence, so it means bringing the negotiations closer. For this reason too, the prime minister seems to be appealing to all senators and deputies to put aside the distinctions and controversies: “Today it is up to all of us to help Ukraine to be reborn”, and help will also come from candidate status membership in the EU, which supports Italy along with France and Germany; and will be confirmed at the European Council on Thursday and Friday. A council in which the Italian proposal for a gas cap “will be even more urgent” given what has happened in recent days with the cuts in supplies.

June 21, 2022 (change June 21, 2022 | 17:33)