Dragon Ball Z and September 11th The mystery that surrounds

“Dragon Ball Z and September 11th: The mystery that surrounds s Plantão on a historic day G1

1 of 1 Behind the Brooklyn Bridge, the explosion of the second plane when it hit the World Trade Center in New York during the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 can be seen from a distance Photo: Sara K. Schwittek/Portal/Arquivo From behind The Brooklyn Bridge, the explosion of the second plane as it hit the World Trade Center, is seen from a distance in New York during the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 Photo: Sara K. Schwittek/Portal/File

The morning of September 11, 2001 went down in history because of the terrorist attacks against the United States. The attacks left hundreds dead and changed the course of contemporary history.

But when the topic on social media these days is “9/11.” September” appears, another discussion comes into play: Which cartoon did Globos Plantão interrupt to broadcast journalistic coverage? Most people who comment on the topic on the networks usually say that it was about “Dragon Ball Z”.

At this time, everyone was watching the morning programming of TV Globo a large proportion of them are children I expected to see that Bambulua. The show, hosted by Angélica, focused on the channel’s children’s content and lasted three and a half hours.

Bambuluá had series, drawings and paintings including this TV Globinho. Attractions featured included Mickey, Garrafinha and Dragon Ball Z itself, which was a huge hit with children. Hence the legend arose: 9/11 duty interrupted the cartoon with Goku.

Below you will find some reports:

Did Globo’s Duty interrupt Dragon Ball Z?

September 11th: Globo’s service interrupted Dragon Ball Z?

With the support of the debt collection team TV GloboO g1 sought a definitive answer to the program pause on reporting on terrorist attacks.

AND The answer is no. Globo’s duty station did not interrupt Dragon Ball Z on September 11th. Due to the coverage, the cartoon wasn’t even shown that day.

A globe The broadcast was interrupted twice on the morning of September 11, 2001. The first time around 9:50 a.m. You can find excerpts in the video above.

Reports from the TV Globo collection indicate that Bambuluá was showing The Adventures of Mickey and Donald at the time of the first live performance.

For 1 minute and 24 seconds, Carlos Nascimento provided the first information about the attack. Until then it was not known that it was actually a terrorist attack. The second tower was also not hit by the plane.

Soon after, Bambuluá returned to the air and displayed the painting “Garrafinha”. Minutes later, the show went to commercial break but did not return.

The station then continued reporting on the attack on the United States, which lasted the rest of the morning and took up part of the afternoon.

On September 11, 2011, a series of terrorist attacks occurred in the United States. The most notable was the deliberate crash of two airliners into two towers of the World Trade Center in New York.

A third plane was also fired at the Pentagon, where the US Department of Defense is headquartered. A fourth plane, which according to the investigation was headed to Washington DC, crashed in Pennsylvania.

Almost 3,000 people were killed in the attacks. At the time, the attacks were broadcast in real time on television, which began reporting after the first plane crashed into one of the Twin Towers.

In the following hours, the world was able to watch live the impact of the second plane on the World Trade Center and the collapse of the two towers.

September 11th led the United States into the socalled “War on Terror,” which, in addition to the occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, also resulted in attacks against AlQaeda, the Taliban and “associated forces.”

Ten years later, the United States announced the death of Osama bin Laden, the leader of alQaeda who was considered one of the masterminds of the attack on Americans.

VIDEOS: most seen on g1