1671293993 Drama Garko a few hours from life

Drama Garko a few hours from life

Drama Garko a few hours from life

“Unfortunately, Gabriel injured his calf quite badly during training”: Milly Carlucci He said La Vita in diretta on Rai 1, waiting for the semi-finals of Dancing with the Stars, which airs tonight. The actor had suffered a serious arm injury in the past. Therefore, it remains to be seen whether he can complete his talent career. In any case, it seems Garko will eventually compete, albeit with one major caveat.

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Going into more detail about the injury, the moderator then explained: “He had a typical football player injury when they injured the two large muscle ligaments in the calf. I have to say it is.” The injury is pretty big, but on Saturday he will be on the track. Somehow we’ll make it because he’s a crazy fighter. He’ll be re-examined on Monday and we’ll see what he can do for the final on the 23rd.

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Garko is one of the favorites to win Ballando in the final. Before revealing the details of the actor’s injury, Carlucci had said, “What’s his mental state? Fighting as always. He’s our hero who never gives up, he really is Rocky Balboa. Last night he wrote me late at night: “I will give everything and I will make it”. So see you on Saturday for our complex bet, which is the consolation for those eliminated and at the same time the first part of the final for those who have already qualified and therefore also for Gabriel. What are they already qualified for? You will have a competition to earn points”.

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