1681990227 drank coffee Yes that is possible See how many cups

drank coffee? Yes, that is possible! See how many cups it would take Multiverso Notícias

Many people cannot function without that little cup of coffee at the start of the day. However, take two or more cups Coffee it can make us hyperactive, similar to how we feel when we’re drunk. Although not all people feel this way, some individuals are definitely sensitive to the effects of caffeine.

With that in mind, most health experts recommend consuming no more than 400 mg of caffeine per day, which equates to four cups of coffee in a 24hour period. Consuming more than that can lead to caffeine poisoning.

To reach this level of intoxication, about eight cups of coffee would have to be drunk at one time. This means that a person needs to ingest a thousand milligrams of caffeine in one sitting to experience the high mentioned above.

The effect of coffee on some people

Coffee can overdosePhoto: Canva Pro

If you’re one of those people who feels happy and hyperactive after consuming even a small amount of coffee, a 2018 study might explain why. The research analyzed the DNA of 3,000 coffee drinkers and found that some people have a variation in a gene called PDSS2, which reduces the body’s ability to metabolize caffeine.

This means that if you drink a cup of coffee and then another, the first one is still in your body. While some people process caffeine normally, others cannot metabolize it as quickly, which can easily lead to feelings of euphoria.

For this reason, it is important to know our body’s limits and avoid excessive caffeine consumption in order to prevent health problems. If you are sensitive to the effects of coffee, it is recommended that you limit yourself to one cup a day or even avoid it altogether.