Driving in winter and wearing gloves and hats is prohibited

Driving in winter and wearing gloves and hats is prohibited | They charge €1,000 if they see you like this Motorzoom.it


When winter comes and temperatures drop significantly, significantly and sharply, the consequences for all of us can be more or less serious, but not avoidable. And we must act, immediately.

The degrees are falling thermometer Starts to DISCONTINUE and to indicate values ​​​​that are not very pleasant for us and our bones, and the cold threatens everywhere: in the house, outside, even in the car. It's freezing cold and you have to do it cover yourself, And inevitable. However?

It is often recommended to us by specialists and also by Doctors, to use a “layered” dressing technique in order not to have to pay the price of constant risk Thermal shock that you encounter when it really is like that Freddo.

Going out, for example, cfully operational and then input In automobile Without removing the heaviest clothing, we can suffer under the weight of a temperature difference between inside and outside Out of the car, which can be harmful to our health.

However, know that dressing and cover yourself from the ground up and with everything we can use To avoid exposing our body to the elements and cold, it can also affect us in other ways, for making us pay a different price.

Be careful how you dress in winter, they will benefit you

We're really talking about one Price in the truest sense of the word: Yes, that's right, that's right, they will fine you. That's what it's all about: one thing fine, although none of this is anything exquisite. But the fine this is true. It may even cost us more a thousand euros in minutesand if actually We cover ourselves up too much. But in what sense?

It may seem paradoxical, but if you cover yourself well for the winter Gloves, hats, scarves and other accessories designed to protect you from the cold, you can risk that patrol You multicolored, and not even a little, as you can see. How come? Obviously there's no sadism behind it: no one wants to get caught and risk that become sickif you arrive by car. So?


Gloves and scarves, hats and scarves: But if you use them in the car, you will be fined

The point is this Security. Nobody forces you not to wear gloves and the like Automobile, or of course, to cover yourself with coats or hats. But if in the Indianorx these elements were missing mobility and the ability to perform driving maneuvers, then the risk Sanctions it would reveal itself.

Nothing, in practice it should prevent you from driving safely: and if accidents or damage ever occur Caused the poor mobility Because of the winter clothing there would be no chance of that fined.