When police and paramedics arrived, resuscitation maneuvers were already underway and police and paramedics continued for several minutes.
According to information Vingt55 gathered on the spot from witnesses to the sad events, a group of children played unsupervised in a swimming pool at certain times. Neighbors who witnessed this tragedy confirmed that the girl visited this family and played in the swimming pool with her siblings and with the children of the family that took her in. At one point, residents of the residence spotted an unresponsive child in the swimming pool and pulled him out of the water.
“They immediately called 911 and started CPR for the little girl,” the neighbor said, shocked when several residents in the area witnessed the sad events while paramedics and police left the backyard with the little girl. to Drummondville Hospital Center. Resuscitation maneuvers were still in progress.
The parents, who were informed about the situation, arrived shocked at the scene of the accident and were cared for by relatives. The 5-year-old girl was taken to Sainte-Croix Hospital in Drummondville, where she was unfortunately found dead, confirmed Sûreté du Québec spokesman Sergeant Stéphane Tremblay of Vingt55 in an interview.
There are two small families, and most of the children take the bus to school together, says a parent from the neighborhood who knows the families well. They always let their children play together. The family where the drama took place only arrived here a few months ago and saw the neighbors’ children, the neighbor adds with a heavy heart. “It’s two families and an entire neighborhood that are heartbroken and heartbroken tonight for this family who just lost a little ray of sunshine,” adds one of the neighbors, saddened by the drama.
Police are meeting with the witnesses and families to collect their versions, which will be used to document the investigations by the Québec Surété and the coroner.
“Investigators from the Forensic Identification Service of the Surété du Québec (SIJ) and coroner Me Pierre Bélisle will investigate the circumstances of this tragedy,” specifies the spokesman for the Surété du Québec.