Portneuf 33 weapons seized suspected human trafficker arrested

Drug trafficking: four arrests in Saguenay

Police officers from the Saguenay Regional Mixed Unit arrested four people on Wednesday in an attempt to uncover a drug trafficking network.

In a press release, the Sûreté du Québec (SQ) announced the arrests of Mathieu Giguère-Meilleur, 28, Stéphanie Meilleur, 47, and Claude Fillion, a 52-year-old man. The three people are residents of Chicoutimi. They were arrested on a warrant.

A fourth person, 31, was arrested but their identity was not released by the SQ. He was released with a promise to appear later.

Police seized two vehicles believed to be belonging to the crime. They also seized 60,000 methamphetamine pills, more than half a kilogram of cocaine, a guided energy weapon and a prohibited weapon, more than $3,500, a cocaine press and eight boxes of contraband cigarettes.

“The information obtained during the investigation indicates that this network is connected to the illegal motorcycle group Hell’s Angels. The purpose of the operation was to complete the evidence and bring the suspects to justice,” the SQ said.

Any information regarding a crime or suspicious event can be provided to the SQ Criminal Information Center at 1.800.659-4264.