Syringe robberies in Saguenay

Drunk driving: material collision and sleep at the wheel

Drunk driving could have done far more damage than it did on Saturday night in Saguenay, when authorities had to intervene for a man who hit several parked vehicles and a drunk driver.

The first incident happened around 11:30 p.m. near a hotel in the Jonquière sector. It was a citizen who contacted authorities to report that one vehicle had hit two others in the parking lot.

Police quickly arrested the driver of the offending vehicle, a 53-year-old man who appeared to be intoxicated.

“The person was arrested and taken to the police station, where his breathalyzer test failed,” said Sergeant Stéphane Pellerin of the Saguenay Police Department.

The 50-year-old driver’s license was confiscated immediately.

Fell asleep at a crossroads

Around 2am, patrolling police later noticed that a motorist had missed his light bicycle at the traffic lights on the corner of Boulevard du Royaume and Rue Fillion, still in Jonquière.

Although the turn signal was on and the traffic light had switched to green, the driver apparently did not want to engage the clutch. Upon exiting their squad car, police found the 26-year-old man at the wheel had fallen asleep with his foot on the brake.

“They woke the driver up and found that he really was impaired by alcohol. He failed the breathalyzer test miserably,” Mr. Pellerin said.