Drunk driving Two young parents were killed a few weeks

Drunk driving: Two young parents were killed a few weeks before Christmas

A nine-month-old baby will never experience Christmas with his parents, while the young couple, who were due to get married next June, were allegedly hit at high speed by a drunk driver just weeks before the holiday, killing them instantly.

“My heart hurts so much now that you are gone. Life is so unfair. All because of a drunk driver. [… ] You were one of my biggest role models as a child. You made me little Beckett's aunt. I will always be there for him. We all will,” Brooklyn, Savannah Harding’s sister, wrote in a somber message on Facebook on Monday, according to the New York Post.

On the night of December 9, the 22-year-old woman and her fiancé, Jacob Hahn, 24, were driving in Ohio when their vehicle was allegedly violently struck by a driver in a Kia Soul, throwing them into the lane. Drive backwards.

They were hit head-on by a second vehicle that was unable to avoid them, killing both parents of the nine-month-old baby, little Beckett, on the spot.

The couple, who had a growing number of testimonies on Facebook, planned to get married next June.

“Angry that an irresponsible and reckless woman took the lives of two very young people who were just beginning to live their lives. “My heart is completely broken for sweet Beckett because he will never know how special his parents were and how much they loved him!” the young father's cousin, Brooke Johnson, said, according to New YorkPost.

The driver of the Kia Soul, Samantha Hammons, 55, was charged with two counts of aggravated manslaughter while driving under the influence of alcohol, according to court reports in American media.

According to American media, his two daughters were in the back of his vehicle during the collision. According to Perrysburg Municipal Court documents, she was booked into the Wood County Jail while awaiting trial.